Heart of the City by Steenz for August 26, 2011
Milton finally saw his chance to act, and grappled with the gun toting robber! Man: Guh! Stop, kid! But during the struggle, the clumsy Milton slips and falls in a pile of radioactive grocery bags! Heart: Don't you think the "radioactive grocery bags" thing is a stretch? Dean: Maybe the grocery bags were exposed to store brand cookies! Those things are radioactive for sure.
rayannina over 13 years ago
It’s true. Chips Ahoys glow in the freaking dark!
perceptor3 over 13 years ago
Not cookies. . . Twinkies! I hear our hospital is going to start using Twinkies in radiation therapy. . .
zero over 13 years ago
I love superhero origin stories. Even if this one is a bit baggy…
SLD0522 over 13 years ago
That is great. Those frosted cookies that never harden – my husband and I call then chemical cookies. Maybe they are radioactive LOL
Destiny23 over 13 years ago
Wieners are the scariest things in any grocery store. I found some in my fridge that were at least a year old, and looked as “good” as new. They’re nothing but chemical preservatives with some cow tongues mixed in for filler! (Eat enough of them, and you’re pre-embalmed…)
banderpal over 13 years ago
I was scheduled for radiation therapy but the truck bringing the capsule was delayed by a major traffic accident (NOT to the truck). They offered me a Twinkie while I waited. Should i have accepted and canceled my appointment?
Howard M Beers over 13 years ago
When this “strip within a strip” started a few days ago I was stunned. I’m guessing that this is at least partially a tribute to Jack Mendelsohn’s “Jackys Diary” strip from around 1960. If you’ve never seen the strip you might enjoy a few samples here.
And if Mr. Tatulli reads his strip’s comments, thank you very much for a wonderful flashback!
Decepticomic almost 4 years ago
A man got hit by a radioactive rock and became Rock Man! He was sued by Capcom.