Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for August 27, 2011
Bucky: Hey, I was deciding on the fourth cat to put on mount fluff more, and I realized who the fourth dog on mount ruff more should be: cujo. Satchel: "Cujo"? Cujo was a master criminal, not a great leader! Bucky: Be real here. your choices in the "great dogs" category are pretty slim. At least the ol' cuj-ster advocates for ya. Satchel: So ok, if we're putting psychos on our monuments, I think the fourth cat on mount fluff more ought to be, ohhh, every cat I've ever known. Bucky: Rude.
phuhknees over 13 years ago
It’s gonna get crowded real quick…
rayannina over 13 years ago
But true.
shirttailslim over 13 years ago
Thus speakith the master of rude.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago
Aw c’mon Satch.
You kinda liked Chubby Huggs, didn’t you?
So just say, oh, roughly 93.3 % of all the cats you’ve ever known.
Even Bucky would have to allow that’s 6.7% less rude.
Michelle Morris over 13 years ago
Bucky really needs to read the comments from the last few days!
Larry Williams Premium Member over 13 years ago
I still like Rin Tin tin
sashle63 over 13 years ago
Missed the chance earlier in the arc, but leapin’s lizards it’s obvious. Sandy should be on Mt. Ruffmore. Arf!And definitely Bill the Cat on Mt. Fluffmore. Ack! Thfptt!
tegm over 13 years ago
hahaha, the last frame is brilliant XD
TheSpanishInquisition over 13 years ago
BILL THE CAT!!!!!! BIL THE CAT!!!!!!! How can you be such a dunce, Bucky??!!!!!
GinaLB over 13 years ago
Genius. The artwork is always so perfect – Satchel standing/staring in the lone frame…awesome! Sometimes I get more excited about the actual drawings than the wordplay.
spirit2002 over 13 years ago
Feed Bucky to Cujo. That’ll teach him.
RaiseMoreHell over 13 years ago
Fritz the Cat
mirenerichardson over 13 years ago
I loved the video of Boots asking for water, so adorable…thanks for sharing!
Dragoncat over 13 years ago
Yes, poor Cujo. A victim of circumstances beyond his control….But I’m STILL voting for Gelert…or Hachiko.
Hunter7 over 13 years ago
Poor Cujo – a victim not a villian. A loving puppy with an inquistive nose for trouble.
queen0316 over 13 years ago
Poor Cujo. I know was supposed to feel sorry for his human victims (fictional though they are) but in the end it was Cujo that I felt the most sympathy for. Well, him and the kid.
revisages over 13 years ago
Psycho? I’ve never seen him mad like that. I’ve seen some emotion, but never like that.
skilskin over 13 years ago
no thanks, not going to happen – get enough just looking at Bucky.psycho’s love psycho’s donchaknow – so enjoy it yer self – wierd sharerer
skilskin over 13 years ago
Now that was a great come back satchel!!!
whitedark1063 almost 13 years ago
Technically, Cujo was also partially possessed.
Stupendous Man!!! over 4 years ago
Wait, a comeback? Wow.
Yiga Outcast almost 4 years ago
You drew first blood, Bucky.
dmcx over 2 years ago
Fat Freddy’s Cat