Thatababy by Paul Trap for September 25, 2011
Music box: Here we are now, entertain us! Dad: Gah! You're playing Nirvana to the baby?! Mom: ? Dad: His ears aren't ready for that! Please look at my chart! Dad: First we lay the foundation with a heavy rotation of Chuck Berry...then we hook him with harmony with from the beach! Next we hop across the pond to embrace the Beatles before roughing up the edges with the garage rock of the kinks, scratching the dark underbelly of the stones, and turning it up to eleven with the arena rock bombast of the who! We're now in position to scale mount zeppelin! At the summit we go back to basics with the Ramones, get ornery with Johnny Rotten and the boys and fight the good fight with the clash!! Now we set the table for grunge with the pixies, and then, and only then, is the boy aurally adjusted for some Nirvana! Mom: There's nothing there from the '80s. Dad: Didn't you hear? The '80s were expunged from the musical record. https://licensing.andrewsmcmeel.coThatababy: No Dexys?
rayannina over 13 years ago
Yeah, Dad, would it kill you to throw some R.E.M. and Police in there? (Plus, the Replacements and Husker Du make a good lead-in to the Pixies.)
coolvq over 13 years ago
Next in line: He-Man, Thundercats, and Bob Saget!
bluegirl285 over 13 years ago
Speaking as a child of the 80s, what’s WRONG with 80s music, might I ask?!
CoffeeMom over 13 years ago
bluegirl285 — I’m with you (I graduated high school in ‘81). The 80’s had some great, upbeat music; it’s all I play on my iPod.
Michael Rosser Premium Member over 13 years ago
Rush released 7 albums in the ’80s… ’nuff said.
keltii over 13 years ago
Baby wants to hear “come on Eileen”
cleokaya over 13 years ago
What, no Jimi?
iced tea over 13 years ago
How about Eric Clapton and the Bee Gees disco songs.
Misty Crowe over 13 years ago
Surely at least GNR counts as real music from the 80’s.
yyyguy over 13 years ago
if ANYthing needs to be expunged from the musical record it’s MOST of disco. some of it had more than just a bass line and moronically repetetive lyrics, but over all, very little of it was worth listening to.
John W Kennedy Premium Member over 13 years ago
Like many of my generation, I pretty much stopped listening to contemporary pop in 1982 when WABC switched to the obscenity known as talk radio. Half of what I know about 80s music I learned in the last year from Amy Burvall and Herb Mahelona. Oddly enough, the first of their videos I ever saw was
jay_dallas over 13 years ago
No 80s???? Nobody in their right mind would wipe out the music of Pat Benatar! GEEZ! What were you thinking man?!?!?
lightenup Premium Member over 13 years ago
Yeah… even if you didn’t like the pop music from the 80’s, the alternative music was, like, totally awesome!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 13 years ago
What, no one has mentioned the Eurythmics, Van Halen, Fleetwood Mac, Aeorsmith, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Phil Collins, Guns n’ Roses, Heart, Barry White, Lionel Ritchie, Sade, Whitesnake, geez so many good ones!
shewith5 over 13 years ago
Aw c’mon, ABBA wasn’t that bad… Run into the ground lately, but still pretty good
Koolfunkygrrl over 13 years ago
what about Hendrix, the Doors, Jefferson Airpalne, Bob Dylan Mamas and the Papas???….love the artwork…good job Paul :)
rgcviper over 13 years ago
The Eagles, anyone … ?
Koolfunkygrrl over 13 years ago
scratchtasia Premium Member over 13 years ago
The Pixies ARE from the late ‘80s. And yeah, it’s really not wise to overlook the Replacements and Husker Du. Really, many of my favorite acts are from the ’80s.
gracie123j about 13 years ago
I have only heard of two of those bands.
legoguy77 about 12 years ago
THE PIXIES FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!