“No deposit no return” is the “parties policy”, maybe we should charge them all a deposit? wsawlrae: In the past 30 years, repblicons have held the White House for 20, and Clinton could sustain a veto for more than half his term, and now BOTH parties have made a total mess of “cooperation”. T’ain’t no “party”.
MitziFlowers over 13 years ago
And then the party starts all over again.
BigChiefDesoto over 13 years ago
NOBODY can clean up the mess they make NOWADAYS!!!
Siscosdad over 13 years ago
Yep. They just move on and let somebody else…..
tripwire45 over 13 years ago
Crabbyrino Premium Member over 13 years ago
Too sad, but too true.
puddleglum1066 over 13 years ago
These days, it’s more like political POTTIES.
jslabotnik over 13 years ago
But it’s we citizens who suffer the hangovers
glkailsik over 13 years ago
Change the playing field this time around. Vote out all incumbants during the primary season. Let not one be standing for the general election.
hsawlrae over 13 years ago
Obama had 2 full years of a democrap majority congress and nothing but crap happened.
EricAlder over 13 years ago
All fun and games at the capital except for the ones paying for it all.
prrdh over 13 years ago
That’s why Washington and Madison warned against them. But did we pay attention?
Dtroutma over 13 years ago
“No deposit no return” is the “parties policy”, maybe we should charge them all a deposit? wsawlrae: In the past 30 years, repblicons have held the White House for 20, and Clinton could sustain a veto for more than half his term, and now BOTH parties have made a total mess of “cooperation”. T’ain’t no “party”.
The Life I Draw Upon over 13 years ago
Especially the Tea Party.