FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for December 30, 2011
Jason: Mom! Paige's stupid robo-pup chewed up my favorite comic book! Andy: What do you want me to do? Jason: Punish her! Ground her! Lock her in a dungeon somewhere! If a pet destroys something, it's owner should be held responsible! No ifs, ands or buts! I'm talking solely about robot pets, of course. Andy: By the way, about your Iguana's little chandelier adventure...
legaleagle48 about 13 years ago
Live by the sword, die by the sword, Jason.
Lyons Group, Inc. about 13 years ago
So? Fiction or reality, it’s still biblical wisdom!
Lyons Group, Inc. about 13 years ago
So? Fiction or reality, it’s still biblical wisdom!
frumdebang about 13 years ago
This discussion reminds me of yesterday’s video of competing groups of monks attacking each other (with brooms, of all things) at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The Palestinian cops had to separate them. Don’t make me call the Palestinian cops on you people.
Thunderdog2 about 13 years ago
Please, what you, RDT64 and rollsroyce do together is something we really don’t want to hear about.
secar1 about 13 years ago
hey! its a lot better than all the jerks who put swear symbols in every sentence!!! And its NOT fiction!!!!!! just fyi.
legaleagle48 about 13 years ago
OK, enough with the blasphemy, people. Leave Nabuquduhriuzur alone. He was only trying to give the context for what I said. How about actually commenting on THE STRIP instead of him?
The Life I Draw Upon about 13 years ago
What Would Stan Lee Do?
Doctor11 about 13 years ago
This is what happens when you don’t learn from the past.
phoenixnyc about 13 years ago
Be compassionate to Nabu, Rolls. Addiction is a horrible thing.
DerkinsVanPelt218 about 13 years ago
We weren’t big on robotic pets, but my brother had an electronic Mr. Potato Head. It couldn’t be turned off unless you left it alone for a while, but it could be turned on by the slightest bump. My stepdad got sick of it when it happened one night and threw it in the bushes by our home.