I like this strip, but as an optometrist, I hope no one who reads today’s comic tries this. Even a brief time of staring at the sun can cause a retinal burn, and permanent vision loss. it usually occurs at the macula, which is the most sensitive part of the eye.
cincity48 over 13 years ago
I like this strip, but as an optometrist, I hope no one who reads today’s comic tries this. Even a brief time of staring at the sun can cause a retinal burn, and permanent vision loss. it usually occurs at the macula, which is the most sensitive part of the eye.
lightenup Premium Member over 13 years ago
Yeah, this one is bad.
iced tea over 13 years ago
You can burn out your retinas, little girl!
Pickles 5202 over 13 years ago
somebodys smart
MotherOfMoses over 13 years ago
it’s not even possible if one tried, your eyes inadvertently shut after a few seconds.
sunshine369 over 13 years ago
that might explain why her eyes are like that
Masked Pup about 4 years ago
That’s how she got those eyes