Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for August 28, 2011

  1. Daffy
    llong65  over 13 years ago


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    anotherbozo  over 13 years ago

    C’mon guys, Van Gogh was saner than you are. But then…

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  3. Erroll for ror
    celeconecca  over 13 years ago

    crazy is in the mind of the beholder! BTW – this is beautiful!

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    Stephen Gilberg  over 13 years ago

    My favorite crazy artist is Dali, but I’ll consider Hammy for the short list. Partly because he is short.

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  5. Lucy2
    IQTech61  over 13 years ago

    No – it DOESN’T help. Vincent VanGogh only painted when he was “well”. But its easier to separate people from their creative potential if you convince them that a talent in the arts is a sign of insanity.

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    MitziFlowers  over 13 years ago

    yes, a crazy person making art is way more interesting than a normal, sane person making art. fact of life.

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    Ermine Notyours  over 13 years ago

    Check to make sure Hammy has both his ears.

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    Archistoteles  over 2 years ago

    Great artwork.

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    Blaize  almost 2 years ago

    Imagine me as Eliott in open season 1 after Boog gets skunk sprayed.


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