Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for September 04, 2011
Trilobites- ancient ocean dwelling anthropods, or so commonly found in fossils that more than 20,000 species have been recorded! FDR and BFF! The soft drink Pepsi is named after a digestive enzyme called pepsin! Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) is the only American president depicted alongside a pet and an official Memorial! The statues of FDR and his dog, Fala, appear at the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial in Washington DC.
Anna12 over 13 years ago
I think the comments should be about Fala- though, in reality, his master is quite likely the greatest president this country has ever seen.
Let’s comment about the First Scottie instead.
runar over 13 years ago
towerwarlock, rollsroyce and RCMinor, all wonderful examples of what the Rev. Spooner would have called “shining wit” (and “smart fellers” as well).
Fan o’ Lio. over 13 years ago
What is BFF? Best Friend Fala?
corpcasselbury over 13 years ago
And obviously being either a left winger or a Democrat also does not require a brain, just a hateful and vicious attitude towards anyone who dares to disagree with them, along with a massive dose of herd mentality.
ghretighoti over 13 years ago
Many people still hate FDR tho’ he got the country through the Great Depression and much of WWII. Judging from the anti-science, anti-knowledge attitudes of the leading GOP candidates, I think the average Republican might have an IQ 30-40 points lower than the average Dem. Nothing hateful here, just sorrow for the country. Fala was a good canine.
puddinheadwilson over 13 years ago
FDR died a week after he told the muslims he would back them up and not an Israeli nation if Israel became a nation!