The Big Picture by Lennie Peterson for September 11, 2011

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 13 years ago

    Thank you, Lennie.

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  2. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 13 years ago

    I remember this one when it ran. Lennie always managed to show things from a real life perspective.

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  3. Gocomics
    Goblinopolis  over 13 years ago

    I was writing a serialized fictional story for a Website back then. I had written an installment where I had named Al Qaida as the villains in a terrorist plot. The publisher made me remove that because it might “alienate our Arabic readers.” The installment was published (sans Al Qaida reference) on 10 September 2001.

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  4. Viking
    steelersneo  over 13 years ago

    I was at work, I take customer service phone calls, I was intially told by a customer that someone had flown a plane into the World Trade Center. My initial reaction was pilot error, some kind of accident, then when I heard that a plane had struck the second tower I knew it had to be intentional. I never expected the towers to fall. I watched coverage for several hours after I got home but stopped after it became clear that no new information would be forthcoming regarding the attack that day. It still gives me a sinking, empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was a sucker punch to the gut. I can understand the nations reaction to Pearl Harbor better now after living through it myself. I still believe we did the right thing in going after the Taliban. I just wish we had done more and with more speed. Ten years later and the conflict is still raging.

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