Liberty Meadows by Frank Cho for September 15, 2011

  1. Elba 20111218 00003
    doc white  over 13 years ago

    Dumb ass. Brandy is here.

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  2. Grunt
    Ghost63368  over 13 years ago

    Fishing? What is it about men and fishing? This was two questions asked by a female friend and they apply here.

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  3. Spaghetti western
    tmick2001  over 13 years ago

    My father is a good fisherman. What makes a good fisherman? Patience! So I guess it teaches patience for some. For others I suppose it is a primeval act.

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  4. Missing large
    tuslog64  over 13 years ago

    When White Man first came to North America, the native women did the farming, washing, and cooking, The native men fished and hunted. White Man thought he could improve on that?

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  5. Jack ricki
    laujack  over 13 years ago

    I enjoy fishing, but am not a patient man, If the fish aren’t .biting, I try different bait.

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  6. 4917 2138474401487020dbaf02e
    Nimue  over 13 years ago

    I don’t care for fishing, but I get it. It’s therapy, kinda. There’s nothing quite so zen as surrounding yourself with the sounds of gently moving water, patiently waiting for a fish to bite.

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