We are the light of the world. We are not perfect, but we know we are doing something right when people hat us just because we are free to live as we wish.
I appreciate it when I see that others remember important past events on their anniversaries, but I consider it more important that I remember, regardless of others.
The 9/11 strips have been great to see, but I don’t fault those who didn’t do commemorative strips, and I won’t fault those who don’t commemorate Pearl Harbor this year.
GET OVER IT???!!! Is someone paying you to be nauseatingly stupid or is that just your nature? How out of touch can you be? It was the worst national tragedy EVER for America!! People like you are the reason we are not being as successful as would be possible in the War on Terror. Instead of taking it to these scum and mowing them down, our soldiers have to wait for permission to engage even when they’ve got guns pointing at them. I know one person who had one of these Islamo-facists in his sights, but while he was waiting for approval to take the shot, the terrorist shot first, and he lost his arm because of it.
If any of you has a desire to understand what our military go through, and some of the bureaucratic nonsense they have to deal with, I would urge you to read “Lone Survivor” by Marcus Luttrell. Marcus Luttrell is the only one of the four members of Seal Team 10 to survive Operation Redwing. What they survived will amaze you. What he relates will change your perspective.
He and the others went over there willingly to risk their lives because of 9/11. Let us NEVER forget 9/11. I am thankful that most of the people on this board are true, patriotic, Americans who will not forget the people we lost, the heroes of Flight 93, or the bravery of the first responders who lost their lives trying to rescue others.
I understand your feelings. I really do. I also know that Islam, by nature, is a violent religion, though there are some Muslims who do not participate in or support the violence. My father knew a man who was originally born in Pakistan and raised as a Muslim. Later, he came to this country, was converted, and went back to Pakistan as a missionary. He told another pastor that we know “Islam is, by nature, a violent religion as laid out in the Koran. Islam has no tolerance for those who believe differently.” The man also said that he and his wife were going to Pakistan, expecting they would be killed one day by the Muslims they wished to minister to. A few years ago, this proved true when a couple of people who were angry at them hired a friend (who had Al Qaeda ties) to kill them. The friend took a couple of people with them and brutally murdered the pastor and his wife.
These people will even kill other Muslims who won’t join the fight. They consider them infidels who have failed to obey the Koran. I understand why Juan Williams spoke as he did. There is every reason for a certain level of discomfort with Muslims. The Ft. Hood massacre is further proof. The guy was a Muslim convert.
This is America. We do have freedom of religion. The problem with restricting one religion is that you set a precedent. Soon, the government will restrict other religions they don’t like or deem “threats”. I don’t know if you heard what Nutty Napolitano said shortly after she was put in charge of the Department of Homeland Security, but the basic jist was that she viewed anyone who holds to Conservative principles as a likely terrorist. In other words, she’s saying that if you aren’t a liberal, then you’re a good terrorist suspect in her eyes. We must keep Freedom of Religion. This goes to the Ground Zero Mosque thing. Should the Muslims have a right to build their mosque there? Yes. Is it a good idea? NO! Is it grossly inconsiderate to the families of those who died? You betcha! But they still have the right.
randayn over 13 years ago
Great strip. Thank you, Scott.
The Old Wolf over 13 years ago
Awesome tribute! <3
Kingoswald Premium Member over 13 years ago
McGehee over 13 years ago
Herb Thiel Premium Member over 13 years ago
BillWa over 13 years ago
We are the light of the world. We are not perfect, but we know we are doing something right when people hat us just because we are free to live as we wish.
Daviddeer over 13 years ago
December 7, 2011 will be the 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Will there be comic dedications then? Will anybody remember? Just saying.
Daviddeer over 13 years ago
Like your thinking Uh-Oh
kirbey over 13 years ago
Nicely done…
LovDComix over 13 years ago
Comic Minister Premium Member over 13 years ago
Great work Stantis!
TheSpanishInquisition over 13 years ago
We can’t forget….but we’re America. We forgive.
locomoco over 13 years ago
Definitely an improvement over yesterday’s totally tone deaf strip, but then, anything would’ve been.
rgcviper over 13 years ago
Wow … just fantastic. This one is my new favorite tribute comic of the day. Thank you, Scott.
rekam Premium Member over 13 years ago
Beautiful, Scott! Thanks!!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 13 years ago
McGehee over 13 years ago
I appreciate it when I see that others remember important past events on their anniversaries, but I consider it more important that I remember, regardless of others.
The 9/11 strips have been great to see, but I don’t fault those who didn’t do commemorative strips, and I won’t fault those who don’t commemorate Pearl Harbor this year.
garfieldfan2222 over 13 years ago
Uh-oh and Daviddeer,
GET OVER IT???!!! Is someone paying you to be nauseatingly stupid or is that just your nature? How out of touch can you be? It was the worst national tragedy EVER for America!! People like you are the reason we are not being as successful as would be possible in the War on Terror. Instead of taking it to these scum and mowing them down, our soldiers have to wait for permission to engage even when they’ve got guns pointing at them. I know one person who had one of these Islamo-facists in his sights, but while he was waiting for approval to take the shot, the terrorist shot first, and he lost his arm because of it.
If any of you has a desire to understand what our military go through, and some of the bureaucratic nonsense they have to deal with, I would urge you to read “Lone Survivor” by Marcus Luttrell. Marcus Luttrell is the only one of the four members of Seal Team 10 to survive Operation Redwing. What they survived will amaze you. What he relates will change your perspective.
He and the others went over there willingly to risk their lives because of 9/11. Let us NEVER forget 9/11. I am thankful that most of the people on this board are true, patriotic, Americans who will not forget the people we lost, the heroes of Flight 93, or the bravery of the first responders who lost their lives trying to rescue others.
garfieldfan2222 over 13 years ago
I understand your feelings. I really do. I also know that Islam, by nature, is a violent religion, though there are some Muslims who do not participate in or support the violence. My father knew a man who was originally born in Pakistan and raised as a Muslim. Later, he came to this country, was converted, and went back to Pakistan as a missionary. He told another pastor that we know “Islam is, by nature, a violent religion as laid out in the Koran. Islam has no tolerance for those who believe differently.” The man also said that he and his wife were going to Pakistan, expecting they would be killed one day by the Muslims they wished to minister to. A few years ago, this proved true when a couple of people who were angry at them hired a friend (who had Al Qaeda ties) to kill them. The friend took a couple of people with them and brutally murdered the pastor and his wife.
These people will even kill other Muslims who won’t join the fight. They consider them infidels who have failed to obey the Koran. I understand why Juan Williams spoke as he did. There is every reason for a certain level of discomfort with Muslims. The Ft. Hood massacre is further proof. The guy was a Muslim convert.
This is America. We do have freedom of religion. The problem with restricting one religion is that you set a precedent. Soon, the government will restrict other religions they don’t like or deem “threats”. I don’t know if you heard what Nutty Napolitano said shortly after she was put in charge of the Department of Homeland Security, but the basic jist was that she viewed anyone who holds to Conservative principles as a likely terrorist. In other words, she’s saying that if you aren’t a liberal, then you’re a good terrorist suspect in her eyes. We must keep Freedom of Religion. This goes to the Ground Zero Mosque thing. Should the Muslims have a right to build their mosque there? Yes. Is it a good idea? NO! Is it grossly inconsiderate to the families of those who died? You betcha! But they still have the right.