Why they are a combination—The big pajamas have red stripes like his mother’s, but his stripes go vertically like his Dad’s blue stripes rather than horizontally like his mother’s.
OldestandWisest- Mom’s outfit identical to Dad’s except for color; you just have to understand garment patterns, as Wimmer does. Shoulders go horiz., rest is vert.
kittylover2 over 13 years ago
You never know until you try. Bet they both go.
phydeaux44 over 13 years ago
I wonder how long it took Rose to find a set of three pajamas which included a smaller one combining the features of the two adult ones?
tegm over 13 years ago
a-ha! different colors for the PJs this time!
Puddleglum2 over 13 years ago
Shut the TV off! Then there won’t be anything not to watch.
OldestandWisest over 13 years ago
Why they are a combination—The big pajamas have red stripes like his mother’s, but his stripes go vertically like his Dad’s blue stripes rather than horizontally like his mother’s.
bamboodan over 13 years ago
OldestandWisest- Mom’s outfit identical to Dad’s except for color; you just have to understand garment patterns, as Wimmer does. Shoulders go horiz., rest is vert.
hk Premium Member over 2 years ago
Geez, wearing pajamas sounds confusing.