Henry Payne for September 10, 2011

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    And how many soft-spoken Tea drinkers were “birthers”? Oft times expletives may be more appropriate, and less damaging to “civility” than epithets.

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Conservatives quiver at the thought that a teamster might use harsh language. Poor babies!

    Poor little gutless babies!

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 13 years ago

    the truth is that Prez Obama only polices “uncivil language” spoken by his Opponents…..and refused to criticize outrageous Hate Speech by Hoffa on the same stage at the same time plus reported and televised CURSES publicly spoken by Democrats! Hyp-o-crite Obama. Nary a peep nor an APOLOGY. (Silence is Assent)

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    templemathews  almost 13 years ago

    Idiot cartoon.

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    eepatt  almost 13 years ago

    Idiot cartoon? No, just misinformed. Kinda like name calling posters who watched only the Faux-edited Hoffa speech and/or who do not know the difference between commies and Nazis. They do know that both sound bad, so they use the terms to justify their frustration with their lack of understanding.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    Swirly: About that “national socialist” thingy:

    “We stand for the maintenance of private property. . . WE shall protect free enterprise as the most expedient, or rather the sole possible, economic order.” Adolph HItler -1926

    Goebbels initially, with Strasser, disagreed, but when money came in from the wealthy to Hitler, he changed his tune, stating “study and trust the Fuherer. Above all they must realize that he ismore than you and I, that he is an instrument of Devine Will, which shapes history in the maelstrom of new creative joy.”

    The above cite is from “Der Fuehrer” by Konrad Heiden-1944 This history is contemporary to the man and relates the history of his rise as closer to “current events” than retrospect- and is very interesting!

    Sometimes it is best to judge men by what they DO rather than just what they “say”.

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    keechum  almost 13 years ago

    I don’t wish anyone go to hell, but so many tea party folks have so much hate and worldly spirits that they really need to chane their ways.

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    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    O.O You got that statistic from a place that counts a handshake as sexual assault!

    Something like that would be known. There’s nothing the media likes more than a teacher molesting a kid, remember Mary Kay Letourneau!

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