Garfield by Jim Davis for October 23, 2011
TV: YAAARRRGHHH! CHOMP! Okayy, the monster has eaten Fred, Charlene, and Wiberforce. If we're going to make it out of here alive... One of us is going to have to distract it! Can I get a volunteer?... Anyone?... How about you, Lumpy? Oh, this is be because I'm chubby, isn't it?! Garfield: He do look tasty.
codycab over 13 years ago
Would you eat him Garfield?
michael100 over 13 years ago
how about garfield.
Rodney99 over 13 years ago
When running from a monster, you don’t have to be faster than the monster- you only have to be faster than your companions…
pcolli over 13 years ago
Is he wearing a red shirt?
Bittermelon of Truth over 13 years ago
@Susan and @plus4 Exactly my thoughts, I think Mr. Davis is phoning it in. “He do look tasty” and not “He does look tasty”??
Steve Hardyman Premium Member over 13 years ago
I believe Wilberforce is the kid in Born Loser, he needed to be eaten
justjess678 over 13 years ago
shouldn’t it be :“He DOES look tasty” ?
NE1956 over 13 years ago
OH NO! Not Wilberforce!
Will Passey over 13 years ago
Their rednecks that’s why there’s the “be because” and “he do look tasty”.
stuart over 13 years ago
Wilberforce led the peaceful abolition of slavery in Britain. His key idea was a multistep process where each step was financially attractive to a majority in the slave trade. For instance, first they banned import of slaves. This hurt slave traders, but made existing stock of slave holders much more valuable. There were many more holders than traders, and the measure passed.
iced tea over 13 years ago
Wilberforce is the Born Loser’s son.
Number Three over 13 years ago
He’ll start drooling any minute now!
LOL xxx
Sophia over 13 years ago
The one that didn’t say it doesn’t have to be the person distracting the monster.The person that said it should be the one distracting the monster.
lattewoman over 13 years ago
People who can’t distinguish between their and they’re shouldn’t throw stones at rednecks.
SabbyW over 13 years ago
the “he do look tasty” seems to me to be a joke about the bad grammar in the show
ComicFan4Life over 4 years ago
Pusheen the Cat over 4 years ago
this is my birthday!