Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for February 14, 1995

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    RedRedWine  almost 12 years ago

    Maybe Aaron is just really really oblivious.

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    ReadingComicsAtWork  over 11 years ago

    Arron Hill just seems oblivious in general. It sometimes seems like he barely even knows who Tiffany is. Either way, it really does make him seem like a jerk.

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    jimgee  over 8 years ago

    Agreed – totally unrealistic for a person to go to school with another for 5 years(not counting the ten "groundhog years) and not know their name.

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  4. Newnatequarter
    Isaac Chen  almost 7 years ago

    Aaron’s hair is really good in this strip

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    Cherry  over 4 years ago

    Aaron seems like a lot of ‘popular’ boys in my school. They normally play sports, drowns in their own ego, which makes them oblivious to the world, therefore they can’t bother to remember the name of at least one other kid who’s not on the football team.

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  6. Flit
    hcreagan33  over 1 year ago

    Anyone here ever watch the cartoon Johnny Test? Johnny’s two sisters were head over heels for the neighbor Gil. But despite meeting them dozens of times, Gil could never remember their names. Aaron is giving me the same vibe here.

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