Frazz by Jef Mallett for October 02, 2011

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    aitches_2  over 13 years ago

    Q- Why do the English drink warm beer?A- Lucas makes refrigerators.

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  2. Butchlafemme head
    butchdeclue  over 13 years ago

    I think it’s unfair to compare children to cats and cars. They require tons more commitment in time, emotions, and money. Additionally, second pregnancies may not occur as easily as one would like.

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    Matthew Davis  over 13 years ago

    What is happening in panel 4? What is that to the right of Frazz? Did the kid just kick it there? I always enjoy the ordinary things the characters do while the real content of the strip is the conversation, but this one just has me baffled.

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  4. Papa smurf walking smiling
    route66paul  over 13 years ago

    Lucas – The Prince of Darkness. They invented water-cooled taillights – jokes are only funny when they are true……

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    krisl73  over 13 years ago

    Funny. Seriously, I tihnk having 2 cats is a great number of them. They can keep each other company, and if you have to take them to the vet at the same time,you can carry 1 cat carrier in each hand.

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    2ManyCars  over 13 years ago

    2 Cats are much easier than 2 kids. And the reason British sports cars have so many instruments on the dash is so when you see one failing after another, you know the wiring harness is on fire. Again.

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    mklange Premium Member over 13 years ago
    Having owned a British Sterling, the funny part about the British cars is the truthfulness of the statement. Same as the old saw, “Why do you need two Jaguars?” A:“So you have one to drive while the other is in the shop. You can then swap them at the shop the next day.”
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  8. Ufo
    Kroykali  over 13 years ago

    Something I’ve noticed about this comic strip is that it is often written in a way that dives deeper than most others…I often have to back up and re-read it again to “get it”. But this is one of the aspects that has me hooked.In today’s strip, we see that even Frazz had to take a second to reflect on what the boy was trying to say….but he got it before the boy had to explain it. This is an example of how well Frazz can connect with kids, and why they feel so comfortable with him. Every school should have a “Frazz”. Mine didn’t.

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  9. Zoot and saxophone
    Boise Ed Premium Member over 13 years ago

    I used to have a Triumph TR-3A, until it was stolen by a crooked restorer. I also had am MG Midget. Comfortable cars for me, and fun to drive, but mechanical nightmares. Now I drive (and love) a Miata.

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    twinky0607  over 13 years ago

    Oh, I know what he means about leaking oil in the garage… every time my father in law goes to a show, they give him a cardboard to put under his Austin Healey.

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    MGAPorsche911  over 13 years ago

    I have owned a 59 MGA since 1984. Has been a really reliable car with no electrical problems ever. Lets not discuss marking its territory. It requires regular adjustments just as the manuals say. If you aren’t willing to tinker a bit, better stay with a Miata or Honda.

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  12. Hausapepapahead
    CyranoSmith  over 13 years ago

    @ButchDeClueQuoting my Mom: “There’s nothing so expensive as a ‘free’ pet.” So, of course, we’ve has several, dogs and cats both.

    Also, my wife has NEVER been pregnant, and we’re working on our third little one. And NONE of them have been planned in any traditional sense of the word (well, maybe number two was… sorta).

    Can’t tell you anything about the Brit cars, except I REALLY wanted the TR7 when it first came out. I could either pay for college or pay for the car… chose college.

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  13. Hausapepapahead
    CyranoSmith  over 13 years ago

    And hamsters. Must remember the hamsters.

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