Strategically long blue hair! The band-aid over Adam’s lost rib! And, next, the Apple store! Genesis will never read the same after this. Witty, wry, wise.
Before the speculation gets out of hand, Eve’s blue hair is just a choice. I didn’t want to favor any particular race with Eve so I made her exotic- an odd amalgam of colors that could, in my mind, give birth to many hues. Adam is just a typical shlubby husband as is seen in countless commercials and sitcoms. A sad commentary to be sure but since this has become a cultural staple, it felt safe to go in this direction. So if you take umbrage with the artistic depiction of these two, I’m sorry. I made the choices so there’d be minimal offense. No nasty or snarky commentary is intended. Cheers.
I can’t help but wonder why Adam is depicted as pale, paunchy, middle aged, with a comb over, when he’s only been recently created and has been living naked out of doors in Eden. Eve’s insta-tan and prehensile hair seem nowhere in evidence on her primogenitor.
spamster over 13 years ago
My thoughts exactly Adam. My thoughts exactly
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
Strategically long blue hair! The band-aid over Adam’s lost rib! And, next, the Apple store! Genesis will never read the same after this. Witty, wry, wise.
Ensoh over 13 years ago
Definitely the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Windows . . . .
GoodQuestion Premium Member over 13 years ago
Jest think of all the bugs and virii we would have if Eve had chosen PC … *shudder*…..☻
prrdh over 13 years ago
If she wants to use the computer for animal counting, she should keep in mind that Apple tends to ignore anything but big cats.
celeconecca over 13 years ago
proof positive that Steve Jobs is god
Justin Thompson creator over 13 years ago
Before the speculation gets out of hand, Eve’s blue hair is just a choice. I didn’t want to favor any particular race with Eve so I made her exotic- an odd amalgam of colors that could, in my mind, give birth to many hues. Adam is just a typical shlubby husband as is seen in countless commercials and sitcoms. A sad commentary to be sure but since this has become a cultural staple, it felt safe to go in this direction. So if you take umbrage with the artistic depiction of these two, I’m sorry. I made the choices so there’d be minimal offense. No nasty or snarky commentary is intended. Cheers.
heavyhorse over 13 years ago
Justin, no explanation needed. I’m an ordained member of the clergy, and I love your strip and this one I found delightful.
No worries.
bmonk over 13 years ago
She wants—a . . . Macintosh?
Horrors! The Shame!Rumball over 13 years ago
My favorite classic myth- can’t wait for the call to tech support.
iced tea over 13 years ago
When Eve suspected Adam was cheating on her with other women, she just started counting his ribs!
GreenBikeGuy over 13 years ago
This explains EVERYTHING!!!
Now, if we’d just had Linux, we’d still be in the garden!
Bogy Premium Member over 13 years ago
The forbidden fruit was sex. Think about it, they “ate the fruit” and then they realized they were naked, and it mattered.
Xane_T over 13 years ago
They only went with an Apple because the BSD Daemon wasn’t charismatic enough to tempt them.
Pharmakeus Ubik over 13 years ago
I can’t help but wonder why Adam is depicted as pale, paunchy, middle aged, with a comb over, when he’s only been recently created and has been living naked out of doors in Eden. Eve’s insta-tan and prehensile hair seem nowhere in evidence on her primogenitor.
Justin Thompson creator over 13 years ago
Dear Pharmakeus Ubik: See my comment above, it’s #11. All is answered.
whitecarabao over 13 years ago
Hmm, blue hair, brown skin — can’t see her feet, but if they are big, Yenny is her direct descendent.