I love this strip. Some days I just want to pick Agnes up and squeeze her! I know what it was like to grow up and want things you could never afford and never understand why. When I read a strip like this I tend to go donate to the local food bank because I know out there, there are REAL lovable Agneses who could use the help. Thanks Mr Cochran for tugging on the heart strings!
The price of the boots and Trout’s mom’s car payment don’t indicate that it’s an old strip, they indicate that these folks shop at the REALLY low end of the commercial spectrum.
I’m pretty sure if I went down to Value Village or one of the real tacky stores nearby I could find a pair of $20 cowboy boots. I live downtown and the poorest neighbourhood in Canada is a 20-30 minute walk. While one of the pricest streets for clothes and toys is a 5 minute walk. Such is living in a city.
elysummers over 13 years ago
Not if you bought them at Tarjay
chris_o42 over 13 years ago
Shoe freak that I am, I agree, Agnes. Ecstasy is being “thusly shod”!
Christopher Shea over 13 years ago
A kid today who knows who Dale Evans was?
lschmidt55 over 13 years ago
sheesh…how OLD is this comic anyway? $20 boots? $40 car payments? I never saw this comic back when the earth was still cooling…LOL
ghargh6969 over 13 years ago
I love this strip. Some days I just want to pick Agnes up and squeeze her! I know what it was like to grow up and want things you could never afford and never understand why. When I read a strip like this I tend to go donate to the local food bank because I know out there, there are REAL lovable Agneses who could use the help. Thanks Mr Cochran for tugging on the heart strings!
fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago
The price of the boots and Trout’s mom’s car payment don’t indicate that it’s an old strip, they indicate that these folks shop at the REALLY low end of the commercial spectrum.
Stephen Gilberg over 13 years ago
Good one.
fishbulb239 over 13 years ago
$20 for cowboy boots is about $50 too much.
ledo over 13 years ago
the price of them boots are from the 50’s
Hunter7 over 13 years ago
I’m pretty sure if I went down to Value Village or one of the real tacky stores nearby I could find a pair of $20 cowboy boots. I live downtown and the poorest neighbourhood in Canada is a 20-30 minute walk. While one of the pricest streets for clothes and toys is a 5 minute walk. Such is living in a city.