Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for October 12, 2011
Alice: Did Petey really find circus people camping in his schoolyard? Mom: That's what he says. Alice: Wow. We found a ring of toadstools in the field at Blisshaven but no circus people yet. Mom: Dill didn't eat the toadstools, did he? Alice: No, Miss Bliss is too fast for him.
margueritem over 13 years ago
Miss Bliss is a heroine for a change!
APersonOfInterest over 13 years ago
Mom has a moment there in the third panel. Priceless!!!
Catfeet Premium Member over 13 years ago
Is there a connection between the circus people and the toadstools?
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
So, Madeline is aware of Dill’s Picky Eater [non-]Rating! It’s a good thing Miss Bliss was quick and a funny thing the way Alice delivers that line (panel 4) as a throw-away.
Hugh B. Hayve over 13 years ago
Dill is already surreal enough without psilocybin enhancement.
Elaine Rosco Premium Member over 13 years ago
At least Alice knows not to eat toadstools.
GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago
Fortunately. Alice probably would have told him to eat them.
Barbaraailant over 13 years ago
This one is a gem,who doesn’t know a kid like Dill?
SuperFreckles over 13 years ago
That’s right, don’t eat the mushrooms… Or join the fairies in a dance around them, unless you have a few years of time to kill.
iced tea over 13 years ago
When I’m around toadstools, I see lepercauns and pixies under them.
bossyheifer over 13 years ago
Miss Bliss was quick enough THIS time…but what about the ne+t?
fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago
That was really mean of Miss Bliss to eat all the toadstools herself, before Dill had a chance.
William Bednar Premium Member over 13 years ago
I wonder what kind of story Stephan King would make of all this?
starlilies over 13 years ago
Did mon’s eye twitch in panel 3? lol! Love this one!