Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for December 04, 2004

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    Dee Dee Holloway  almost 9 years ago

    Francis: Hots is when you feel warm, in this case, Jenny has a crush on you!Artur: Wait she wanting crush me?

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    LINK_O_NEAL  about 7 years ago

    HAHA! Ok, this is a good comic. But in that sad way… LOL. Arturs innocence is remarkable, that is what makes him such a good side character in my opinion. Of course, I have to feel for Nate too, we all probably know what it’s like to like someone come to find out they like someone else. It does make you grimace. LOL Then again, it could just be me…

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    Silica Gel  about 7 years ago

    Holy cow. Artur’s english is bad, but apparently he knows words I don’t. I mean I remember reading this strip, but I don’t remember the word “Grimace” and had to google it. Either my English does suck and it’s a word most people are supposed to know about, or Artur’s vocabulary is just waaay better than his grammar. Either way it’s good to see this comic again, thanks Link for redirecting me to this nostalgia. :)

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    Mario Kart  over 3 years ago

    They just had to. They just HAD to come in.

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    Earls Before Swine Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Can confirm this is how information spreads in middle school.

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    Brick Friday is excited for the new gc in april   2 months ago

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRIMACE (start remix here)

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