Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for December 03, 2007

  1. Missing large
    Big Nate Rocks!  about 12 years ago

    Yes, yes he is.

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  2. Missing large
    Cats&bubbles123  almost 12 years ago

    I think he’s a glass all the way full person. Half air plus half water equals all the way full.

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  3. Epic face
    SuperDavid  over 11 years ago

    Nate says he’s a glass half full kind of guy on the summer of 2008

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  4. Bulletbill
    ImTheRealDirtyDan  almost 8 years ago

    OH JEEZ that’s gotta hurt!

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  5. Gmm mythical
    LINK_O_NEAL  about 7 years ago

    Alright, guy’s I could douse you with more science on how much force and at what angle she would need to push 85lb Nate but as someone said: “it’s just a comic” which is very true. What I like about today’s comic is the perspective of the entire comic. The kinda slant that the whole thing has is really cool to me especially since I don’t remember seeing it before. I also love Nate as well. Even though Jenny doesn’t realize it Nate would make a great boyfriend because he is so devoted to her. I mean, he’s liked her and stuck with her since kindergarten. If he is willing to stick with her for six years I would imagine that he would continue to stick with her throughout high school until she finally realizes that he has no chance with her.

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  6. White
    DM9001  almost 6 years ago

    She’s strong. She pushed him with one hand, and he went flying across the hallway!

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  7. 97ae245855167d9b9a97eb23ee72e449
    krist0pherrapper  almost 5 years ago

    what a b*tch

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  8. Oip
    @TherealFrancisPope  over 4 years ago

    Jenny is so mean!

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  9. Aoh14ghhk0sbys xb2ix0j3w4gtezletbdm2u6swz4fo=s96 c
    SamuelZhao  about 4 years ago

    Nate just can’t take a hint and Jenny!s a b@&*$&

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  10. Aoh14ghixjx3etbhoe16krwmmz n6c0s1fe1poec87my7co=s96 c
    •CactusXD•  almost 4 years ago


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  11. Sunset shimmer
    BigNateFanForever1  over 1 year ago

    Call it nostalgia blindness, but this is one of the few Jenny strips I find funny, mainly because Nate’s reaction is SO stupid it becomes funny.

    This era was just that good, okay?

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  12. Large parker kingston td vs ksu 1200x794
    JaxReaper  9 months ago

    Embarrassing how strong Jenny is compared to Nate. They have no chance of dating, cuz Nate isnt gonna have a girlfriend, he is the girlfriend!

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