Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for March 05, 2000
Hey, Gang! Let's play... PEERLESS! Directions: Help personality - challenged teen Ellen Wright find the peer group that's just right for her! Group #1: JOCKS! JOCK: Dang! Broke my collarbone! JOCK 2: Tore my ACL! ELLEN: I've got really bad acne! GROUP #2: BRAINS! BRAIN 1: What'd you get? I got pi. BRAIN 2: I got pi too. ELLEN: Did someone mention pie? GROUP #3: DEBS! ELLEN: Hi, girls! DEBS: Just ignore her. Just ignore her. GROUP # 4: Performers! PERFORMERS: Fame! I wanna live forever... ELLEN: I can catch a frisbee in my teeth! Hello? GROUP #5: FREAKS! ELLEN: Okay, wait a sex...what's the difference between Deep Space Nine and Babylon 5? FREALS: GASP! No luck? No problem! There are plenty of possibilities! #6: Losers #7: Mega-Losers #8: Friendless Losers #9: Awkward People You Almost Pity #10: Walflowers #11: Teachers' Pets NATE: **URK!** ELLEN: How about "Enraged Sisters?"
ReneeZimbodgi about 13 years ago
I’m with “crazy people”. It wasn’t listed, but they’re my peeps.
tammsys over 12 years ago
How bout loners? (I’m not a loner, I’m in the weirdo/crazy people group)
bignatesbiggestfan12 over 12 years ago
How aboutthe annoying freakish sister
DarkLink about 12 years ago
Weirdo is what I am
Big Nate Rocks! about 12 years ago
I’m in Brainy Jocks.
a non-E mouse over 6 years ago
“Enraged sisters” works.
DevilDog2001 Premium Member over 6 years ago
I was a wallflower in school. Still am, to an extent.
FatSheep almost 5 years ago
Brainy Performer here!
CiceroAndHannibalAreMyGods over 4 years ago
eXcUsE mE? gRoUp FiVe ArEnT fReAkS!
SamuelZhao about 4 years ago
ACL is a torn ligament down to sudden twist movement
AliAdhami almost 4 years ago
The very first panel insinuates Ellen snuck into Nate’s room, which is wrong on so many levels. She is such a jerk
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I’m with #1.
The Drama Queen over 1 year ago
I’m a mix between jocks, brains and debs
Arcery 9 months ago
Well, Ellen has higher grades than Nate. So….