Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for September 03, 2000
BACK-TO-SCHOOL "DO AND DON'T" GUIDE!! by Nate Wright DO: Ride the bus!! "Par-tay!" "Dang! Turn off the 'N Sync!" DON'T: Get driven to school by a parent! DAD: Remember to use those handi-wipes after lunch! I love you son!" DO: Get back-to-school supplies! NATE: This notebook holds 6 candy bars and a juice box! TEDDY: Cool! DON'T: Get a back-to-school haircut! NATE: What with the hat? FRANCIS: None o' your beeswax. DO: Talk to "new kids!" NATE: Well, hel-lo there! Can I show you around? DON'T: Talk to new teachers! FRANCIS: And what's YOUR approach to teaching math? "What a brown-nose!" "Let's wedgie him later!" DO: Catch-up on all the gossip! NATE: Hey, Dave! How's Sharon? DAVE: She...I...We...*SOB!* NATE: Oh. Sorry, man. DON'T: Ask Kevin Gladchuk "how was your summer?" KEVIN: Funny you should ask. I have here some photos. DO: Stand up to 7th-grade bullies! NATE: DON'T! DON'T!! BULLY: Hey, guys! Join in!
Johnnython about 12 years ago
that’s in something
Tater almost 11 years ago
This comic was printed in Big Nate: Makes The Grade, In Full Color.
DM9001 about 9 years ago
First Panel is CREEPY!
Nate Wight. almost 9 years ago
Arg, another comic with SCHOOL ON SUNDAY
B Dawg almost 9 years ago
Sure, totally school like supplies
DevilDog2001 Premium Member over 5 years ago
PS 38 Needs more hallway monitors.
nandayconures! almost 5 years ago
In im experience in middle school, ive found that 7th graders get into trouble the most. 7th graders are finally realizing their newfound freedom, and doing crazy things in and around school due to it, but the reason 8th graders shine by comparison is because they are so burned out, they cant be bothered. Ive had more 7th graders pick fights with me than I can count (Highschool now), and its always amusing when they havent hit their growth spurts yet.
@TherealFrancisPope over 4 years ago
The bus is chaotic in middle school, a lot of non kid friendly conversations happen in there
Piranha Plant (Formerly Fox and Falco) about 3 years ago
Write that down! Write that down!
Nate Wright! almost 3 years ago
What the heck is wrong with those kids?
Flipbooker 10 months ago
First usage of The Tiled Title panel.TTT.