Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for May 17, 2009
Nate says, "Gah! I was just going over my book report with Mrs. Godfrey!" Teddy says, "So?" Nate says, "So, have you ever smelled the woman's breath? It's disgusting!" Bate says, "It reeks like a dead fish! I almost passed out!" Nate says, "In fact...*sniff!* you know what? I can still smell it!" Teddy says, "*sniff!* I think I smell it too!" Nate says, "...Which just proves how foul it is!" Koff! Koff! Nate says, "I mean, how bad must her breath be for us to smell it way over..." NAte says, "" Nate says, "Okay, before you say anything, her breath really is nasty." Teddy says, "Mrs. Godfrey, may I change seats?"
bignatefan2345676 over 8 years ago
I though that Gina sat behind Nate?
nathancclu over 7 years ago
Time to put air fresheners where you leave your shoes at home, Nate. Or you can just buy new ones
The Uchiha Clan almost 4 years ago
Honestly, yes. Nate’s socks are so horrible I can smell them from my desk
SpongeBob (Founder of The Spongebob Club) almost 4 years ago
Big Nate In: The Breath
Brick Friday 11 days ago