Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for December 21, 1997
It's the P.S. 38 Christmas WISH LIST! with your hosts: BIFF BIFFWELL & CHIP CHIPSON Biff: Hello again, Christmas shoppers! Wondering what some of the 6th-grade teachers at P.S. 38 would like as gifts? Chip: Let's take a look, Biff! Biff: Here's MR. GALVIN, the biology teacher! Chip: How about a new cap for his fountain pen? Biff: Mrs. Blosser, cafeteria monitor?... Chip: ...A pair of size 12 tripple-E golf shoes! Biff: COACH CALHOUN, hoops guru, would like... Chip: ...a MEGAPHONE! Coach: PASS the ball! PASS it! Hey! NO! DON'T SHOOT! I said DON'T...Dag-nab it! Biff: What does Mr. Staples, the math teacher, need? Chip: How about a life? Mr. Staples: ...and then the duck says to the camel: "No, I said a HEXAGON!" Ha Ha! Hee! Biff: ...And now how about MRS. GODFREY social studies teacher? Chip: Good question, Biff! What will SHE ask for this Christmas? Mrs. Godfrey: You research paper, please. Nate: Oh, was that due today?
giB etaN over 13 years ago
if you read in a class by himself you will get the pen joke :)
big NateRocks about 12 years ago
yeah… pen joke on both sides. Nice touch with the coal abd the math teacherLOL!
BiggerNate91 over 8 years ago
You shouldn’t be able to see Mr. Galvin’s eyes
Chant_05 about 5 years ago
Give Mrs. Godfrey jellybeans!
220001492 almost 3 years ago
this makes total sense :]
Aksel_1 almost 2 years ago
better students or paper?? lol
STUFF ENJOYER 12 months ago
Mr. Galvin is prone to the pen.
Arcery 9 months ago
We’ve never heard of Mrs. Blosser outside of this