Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for December 05, 1999
Mrs.Godfrey: I'm handing back your tests, people! Biff: G'day,mates! Biff: Today we're on the trail of one of nature's most frightening creatures: The 6th grade social studies teacher! Chip: ...Or, as she's known in scientific terms: "bad breathius hideosa"! Biff: There's one now! Ye gads, what an ugly beast! Chip: And her disposition matches her appearance, Biff! Biff: Ah! so she's bad tempered, eh ? Chip: Is she ever! She routinely bites the heads off of her helpless victims! Biff: But how does she catch her victims in the first place? Chip: Simple Biff! She lulls them to sleep with a nasty little weapon we call the "Lecture"! Biff: Hmmm now what's she doing? Chip: A common practice among her species! she's marking her territory! Biff: With what Chip? Chip: It appears to be standard red felt-tip pen!
bignatesbiggestfan12 over 12 years ago
Poor nate.
SuperDavid over 11 years ago
Edward Bulwer-Lyttton: “The pen is mightier than the sword!”
Tater almost 11 years ago
Another bad grade, right, Nate?
♞нυитєявσу_z♘ almost 7 years ago
Must’ve got an F from that test he studied on yesterday.
PBS1! about 5 years ago
This seems like something Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes would imagine
Nate Wright! over 3 years ago
lol he got EVERY QUESTION wrong
STUFF ENJOYER over 1 year ago
That can’t be a good grade.
Cappy 6 months ago
that grade says ‘E’