Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 04, 2011
Mike: Perry's still around? How can he afford it? Rick Perry: Hi, I'm Rick Perry and I'm ready to deal! Some of you may know that as governor, I appointed over 900 of my top donors and their spouses to government posts! That's a lot of job-creatin' for only $17 million in contributions! But I want to do more, and I want to do it now! I'll be pretty busy once I'm president, so I'm ready to move inventory today! For how much? Well, you might expect to pay $5 million and up for a job regulatin' your own industry, but I'm makin' top posts available for the one-time price of $1 million! Don't miss out! Once I'm in the White House, I won't be able to guarantee this low, low pre-election price, so act now! Voice: Bought and paid for by Cronies for Perry. Perry: I'm Rick Perry, and hell, I've approved of this for years!
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
Perry is finished. How much would Newt charge for an ambassadorship?
Orion-13 over 13 years ago
That’s really RICH coming from a supporter of the Obama administration.Orion
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
These are really serious charges of graft and corruption on the part of Rick Perry. How does Trudeau get away with making them? Why doesn’t Perry’s campaign sue this funny-paper artist and put a stop to these charges. They couldn’t possibly be true! Could they? In America? Land of honest Abe Lincoln and father-of-his-country George Washington? Such serious charges couldn’t possibly be true! If so, then, Trudeau should be “disappeared” so that the wealthy may continue to live off the backs of the common people. We might as well pay our taxes directly to Perry and other corrupt leaders! And skip the “middle man”.
pouncingtiger over 13 years ago
Why are Perry, Huntsman, Sentorum, Bachmann and Paul still around? Cain just left and Gingrich and Romney won’t stop flip-flopping. Let’s just cut to the ending and give the 2012 election to Obama.
TURTLE over 13 years ago
Ah, well the thing is what about the liberals and their warts? Never see him bad mouth the Democrats or maybe I missed that strip?
pouncingtiger over 13 years ago
@sonny1, you are thinking about George “Dubya” Bush in 2000 and 2004.
francia2 over 13 years ago
I’ve watched Gary do this to crooked pols for years, so it must be true…or else Perry doesn’t have enough dough to buy his silence. Seriously, though, my 83-year old Aunt living in Texas warned me about him six months ago. ’Course we here in Ohio have our own John Kasich to drive us nuts!
babka Premium Member over 13 years ago
government of the cronies, by the cronies and for the cronies.
babka Premium Member over 13 years ago
as in:
babka Premium Member over 13 years ago
“Treason doth never prosper:what’s the reason? Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason.” – Sir John Harrington (1561-1612)
Yassir Thasmebebbi over 13 years ago
It would be fascinating to see the effect of Perry getting elected, if only to see what happens to the economy when he abolishes the U.S. Patent Office (part of the Department of Commerce). Can you imagine the range of industries that will be affected when they lose their patents, and can’t register any more?
JoeRaisin over 13 years ago
Interesting – must be a product of their philosophies…
Donate to a republican and he gives you a job paid for by taxpayers.
Donate to a democrat and he gives you half a billion of the taxpayers dollars…
Randy4797 over 13 years ago
Leftwingpatriot – the charge is one pretty wife.
FriscoLou over 13 years ago
What we’re seein’ here is real time story lag, Perry is sooo long ago. Trudeau is going to have to hustle to get a Newt slam in next week. I suspect he’ll play the Fannie May card, but he doesn’t have to.
I know some people will erupt when I say this, but Gingrich just doesn’t meet the “looking presidential” bar. That’s Romney’s, Perry’s, and Bachmann’s platform. America will not elect a beedy-eyed Chucky for president.
Now that we’ve completed identity cycle of who can be a president, maybe Ron Paul can take us back to the Eisenhower age of OWGs.
ninetoes over 13 years ago
These charges are nothing new for Perry.
ninetoes over 13 years ago
charges like this are nothing new to Perry.
underwriter over 13 years ago
@babka and @FriscoLouAlso Russ Bakers Family of Secrets
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
Yeah, but either acronym makes sense. OWG = “one world government” makes sense too, because after the end of WWII there was indeed a one world government that in effect ruled all but a few places in the world. The rulers were the US, the USSR, and the UK. These three disagreed on some points, true, but they also agreed on many points. It took the “cold war” and the “iron curtain” to end the rule of this triumvirate.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
“Herman Cain … left the door wide open for him to jump back into the race in 2008.” Calendar says we’re in 2011. Cain got hold of H.G.Wells’ time machine?
Chapmandu over 13 years ago
My name is Dishrag Schnozzlepoot. And I’d like to say something.
Chapmandu over 13 years ago
Why do Tigger’s quotes all seem to reference 2008?
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
“Herman Cain is done. He is toast!” —Jane Chastain, political columnist, WORLD NET DAILY, December 4, 2011.
FriscoLou over 13 years ago
Haw ha, I almost snorted Eryx, when I saw KochCain, he’ll need more than a time machine, he’ll need a miracle too.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
 “Cain was never in it for the nomination …”. Neither is “The Snoot”.
lmchildress over 13 years ago
You know it’s a bad crop when Gingrich seems to be the best of the lot… apologies for mixed metaphors.