"Frazz, why did you become a school janitor?"
"Because I had to-my songwriting career wasn't going anywhere."
"But that's no longer the case. Your 'Whole Enchilada Love' alone sold a million records for Jimmy Kravets. So why do you stay?"
"Because I can."
algrafx over 12 years ago
josh_bisbee almost 10 years ago
The actual singers get next to nothing from album sales. They make the big bucks from concerts and other events.
Keep on keepin' on about 8 years ago
INCOMING! DUCK!! . . . . ;-)
epopeyelips pow over 7 years ago
starclaw about 7 years ago
Good inspiration!
DKHenderson 4 months ago
I love this particular strip. It’s essentially the “Frazz” mission statement.