I thought she was about to ask for some Grey Poupon for some reason.
Sophie’s top hat and monacle did it.
..never did like the Monopoly guy…
there are no words. :-}
That’s a good idea, bathing them both at once. Labs always do look good in top hats.
Smelly wet dog meet previously stinky baby
Swimming with a dog- OK, done that. Bathing UGHHH -NO!
Wouldn’t that monocle sting?
Brian Anderson
GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago
I thought she was about to ask for some Grey Poupon for some reason.
vldazzle over 13 years ago
Sophie’s top hat and monacle did it.
3hourtour Premium Member over 13 years ago
..never did like the Monopoly guy…
celeconecca over 13 years ago
there are no words. :-}
cleokaya over 13 years ago
That’s a good idea, bathing them both at once. Labs always do look good in top hats.
yycmystery over 13 years ago
Smelly wet dog meet previously stinky baby
vldazzle over 13 years ago
Swimming with a dog- OK, done that. Bathing UGHHH -NO!
JP Steve Premium Member over 13 years ago
Wouldn’t that monocle sting?