Frazz by Jef Mallett for August 26, 2001
"Well, I see the block of marble from which Michelangelo would carve 'David.'" "The cartilaginous skeleton of a great white shark!" "Mrs. Olsen's wool skirt, only smaller." "Hey, hey, hey." "An America's cup mainsail!" "The white album!" "I see the Bonneville salt flats." "The paper on which Heller type 'Catch-22.'" "Jackson Pollock's 'Number One' as seen by Mr. Magoo." "What a waterfall sounds like." "Ooh, very good." "Alfredo sauce! Mmmmm" "You were looking for shapes in clouds? But it's totally overcast!" "You'd be surprised what a small obstacle that turned out to be."
doctorwho29 about 12 years ago
KZ71 over 10 years ago
“Frazz”: sometimes funny, sometimes heartwarming, sometimes sad, always right on.
starclaw about 7 years ago
DKHenderson 4 months ago
This one is totally cool. And I agree, “What a waterfall sounds like” is very good.