Frazz by Jef Mallett for January 24, 2002
"Well, Lyle, I got all the teachers to bring in their senior pictures as historic artifacts. Now the kids know history runs the range..." "From the predictable" "Aw...Mr. Spaetzle wore nerd glasses!" "To the Surprising" "Mr. Burke had an afro!" "To the downright disturbing" "Mrs. Olsen was a babe?!"
doctorwho29 about 12 years ago
That is disturbing
KZ71 over 10 years ago
laurac5800 over 10 years ago
Wait, what?!?
racerxyz over 10 years ago
Looooove the last panel :-)Not surprising at all, actually.
Boxo croco says happy derby almost 5 years ago
Oh like mrs godfrey “being a fox”?
phoenixnyc about 1 year ago
Since when do eight-year-old boys get that worked up over the concept of a “babe”? That’s two to three years away.