Frazz by Jef Mallett for November 21, 2010
Frazz says, "Reynaldo! Que Pasa?" Reynaldo says, "Bad mood, Frazz." Frazz says, "No! How come?" Reynaldo says, "My papa and I were ordering lunch when this guy behind us starts ranting." Reynaldo says, "?The somewhat hackneyed 'if these people want to live here, they should learn to speak American!'" Frazz says, "Lovely. Where was this?" Reynaldo says, "Thai kitchen." Frazz says, "I don't even know how you'd order Gaeng Kiaow Waan in American." Reynaldo says, "Apparently it's pronounced 'Number 26' loudly."
peter about 12 years ago
Classic stuff. “They should learn to speak American”. Funnily enough, “number 26, loudly” almost seems to make “speak American” make sense.
childe_of_pan over 7 years ago
I know a woman who came here from an extremely repressive middle Eastern country; how bad do you think things have to be before lying on a pile of corpses and pretending to be dead because it can get you out is preferable to staying? And do you think anyone in that position would stop to think, “Gosh, if I hope to go to America I should learn English First”?
Daelda over 3 years ago
America doesn’t even have an official language. It’s no more “correct” to speak English, than it is to speak Spanish, French, or Swedish.
childe_of_pan over 1 year ago
“Welcome to America. Now speak Cherokee.”
DevilDog2001 Premium Member about 1 month ago
People who say “Speak American” need to relearn American English… and while they’re at it, maybe sign up for Critical Thinking and Situational Awareness classes, too.