Problem is, once in the aquarium or Sea World for a very long time, it’s hard to retrain them to lead a life in the oceans. Keiko of the Free Willy movie, never reconnected with his pod and died of pneumonia 2 or 3 years after being flown to the area where his home pod lived.
clivia grana about 13 years ago
whales certainly belong in the ocean
Conniejud about 13 years ago
Perfect comic! I have always believed sea life belongs in the sea! And wildlife belongs in the wild!
iced tea about 13 years ago
Ever think that’s how Shamu feels?
cbrsarah about 13 years ago
Problem is, once in the aquarium or Sea World for a very long time, it’s hard to retrain them to lead a life in the oceans. Keiko of the Free Willy movie, never reconnected with his pod and died of pneumonia 2 or 3 years after being flown to the area where his home pod lived.
codedaddy about 13 years ago
English is probably not its native language (“weren’t for”, not “wasn’t for”, and “around”, not “round”).