I had a speeding ticket not too long ago, so I’ve been scrupulously observing the speed limit since then. I’ve found it’s a fun way to annoy all the other drivers.
Yep, I love it when I obey the school zone speed limit and pile up the cars behind me. Amazing how those cars can catch up to me when we are all supposed to be going the same speed – must be a suspension of the rules of physics in those school zones. It never ceases to amaze me how many drivers zoom through the school zones at full speed even with kids trying to cross the street, and in my state drivers are supposed to stop at all marked crosswalks when pedestrians are present.
Was the same way at our school………..right up until they put an undercover officer in an unmarked car in the school parkiing lot. MUCHO tickets! hehehe “Hey Marge, the trip to Cancun is back on.” LOL
I have absolutely no problems following people who are doing the speed limit. Any stress I feel when I can’t to do my preferred 60 in a 55 is self-induced, and I accept that and deal with it accordingly. The jerks that have no concern for the people behind them as they stack up while doing 40 in a 55 for no reason than total inconsideration are the ones that get me grinding my teeth. …but that’s just me.
yaakovashoshana about 13 years ago
I had a speeding ticket not too long ago, so I’ve been scrupulously observing the speed limit since then. I’ve found it’s a fun way to annoy all the other drivers.
reese828 about 13 years ago
Yep, I love it when I obey the school zone speed limit and pile up the cars behind me. Amazing how those cars can catch up to me when we are all supposed to be going the same speed – must be a suspension of the rules of physics in those school zones. It never ceases to amaze me how many drivers zoom through the school zones at full speed even with kids trying to cross the street, and in my state drivers are supposed to stop at all marked crosswalks when pedestrians are present.
teddyr about 13 years ago
Was the same way at our school………..right up until they put an undercover officer in an unmarked car in the school parkiing lot. MUCHO tickets! hehehe “Hey Marge, the trip to Cancun is back on.” LOL
jimcos about 13 years ago
I have absolutely no problems following people who are doing the speed limit. Any stress I feel when I can’t to do my preferred 60 in a 55 is self-induced, and I accept that and deal with it accordingly. The jerks that have no concern for the people behind them as they stack up while doing 40 in a 55 for no reason than total inconsideration are the ones that get me grinding my teeth. …but that’s just me.