For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for January 23, 2012

  1. Stewiebrian
    pouncingtiger  about 13 years ago

    Either the children or your husbands.

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    psychlady  about 13 years ago

    Kids have big ears and like to repeat everything they hear like it’s a big deal – and sometimes it is!!!

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  3. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member about 13 years ago

    At least they shoo the kids away. My neighbor talks in front of theirs, so their kids believe things that they have overheard and misinterpreted. Their 6 year old told us last summer that they don’t belong to our pool because the neighbors (not us) hate them. I know the story, and that’s not true, but to a 6 year old overhearing their parents, that’s what she got out of it. p.s. @gmartin – I never talk during the game. I always wait until I know nothing is going on and talk, but I still don’t get his full attention. Now, if I texted, I would get his attention… And I don’t even talk much! :-\

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  4. Timeouticon2
    nancyroy2  about 13 years ago

    …my kids are at an age where I can’t talk about others in front of them… who knows what they could repeat… it does cut down on gossiping… which is a good thing!

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  5. Snoopy pensive typewriter
    The Life I Draw Upon  about 13 years ago

    I’m not married, but my family seems to start making drowning loud noise at major key points in my favorite shows, then get mad if I say something. Drives me crazy.

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  6. Silverknights
    JanLC  about 13 years ago


    From yesterday:

    If Lynn ended the strip after 29 years and started over at the beginning, then how can yesterday’s strip be only 25 years old? She’s been reprinting every strip with a few added in the beginning of the “reruns”. That would make yesterday’s strip 29 years or older, not newer.

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  7. Silverknights
    JanLC  about 13 years ago

    The question was “who”, not “what”.

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    tuslog64  about 13 years ago

    Why is it kids can not hear you calling for them in the next room, but they can hear the bell on the ice-cream cart five blocks away?

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    tuslog64  about 13 years ago

    Also, get suspicious (sp?) if they get out of sight – and very quiet all of a sudden!

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    iced tea  about 13 years ago

    You should always let kids be in on your little conversations. They feel rejected if you shoo them away. Oh I know, sometimes adults need to talk alone. That’s when you let your kids watch a DVD or cartoons on TV. I was in that boat once.

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  11. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  about 13 years ago

    Kids are like little sponges — soaking up every bit of “information” they learn . . . then repeating it at the most inopportune moments!

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