Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for February 07, 2010
Bucky says, "Goin' to the park with a buddy." Rob says, "Oh yeah? Who? Mac?" Bucky says, "No, Lego. Mac is afraid of open spaces." Rob says, "Mac is an agoraphobe?" Bucky says, "No, Mac's English, I doubt he cares about Al Gore one way or the other." Rob says, "...Al Gore?" Bucky says, "Although Mac does believe in global warming, he's not one of those warm ongers." Rob says, "Warm whats?" Bucky says, "Al Gore's the global warming guy, right? I heard he doesn't like warm ongers. I figured those were people who didn't believe in global warming. I'm a loch ness maonster onger, myself. I don't believe it." Rob says, "Ohhh, you mean warmonger." Bucky says, "That's what I'm sayin'." Rob says, "No, see, a warmonger is a person who encourages others to fight." Bucky says, "Oh... well hold on, I'm like a huge warm monger. Man, I'm like a flaming onger." Satchel says, "And you're also a flaming Al-Gore-aphobe!"
who you callin fat. over 4 years ago
Like LEGOs go to bricklink and buy from the store Swift Brix!
awgiedawgie Premium Member almost 3 years ago
I don’t know about a flaming onger, but he’s definitely a bloomin’ idiot.