Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 15, 2011
Captain Eddie: I really like what you've done with yawr Christmas lights this yeaw, Flo. Flo: ? I Didn't put up any Christmas ligths, Eddie... I cahn't affahd a highah powah bill. Captain Eddie: Oh. Well, in that case... I really like yawr egg nog recipe. Flo: OK... cut back on the bahbon... thanks fah the input, Eddie.
ellisaana Premium Member about 13 years ago
Go solar, Flo.
Ida No about 13 years ago
Bourbon costs more than the electricity for the lights, assuming that she sells the drink to more than one customer. An alternative plan is to keep feeding Eddie the egg nog and then put him up on the roof dressed as Rudolph.
chireef about 13 years ago
so wrong in so many ways that its right
bluskies about 13 years ago
Maybe you feel OK now, but by this time tomorrow that tongue and all those cheeks are gonna be hurtin’ BIG time!
watmiwori about 13 years ago
What I’ve been saying for decades: Politics and and politicians haveone goal. The Outs want In and the Ins want to stay there as long as possible.All the social, economic and other theories, -ologies and -isms. are so much window-dressing to seduce the voter/
Could YOU tell a Demobilccan from aRepublicrat if they didn’t have a crawl running underneath their picture?
PShaw0423 about 13 years ago
Corruption would actually be an improvement over the lowest-common-denominator morass we’re in. And it’s not a new problem — this could have been written today:.“The larger the mob, the harder the test. In small areas, before small electorates, a first-rate man occasionally fights his way through, carrying even the mob with him by force of his personality. But when the field is nationwide, and the fight must be waged chiefly at second and third hand, and the force of personality cannot so readily make itself felt, then all the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most easily adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum. The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
— H. L. Mencken, Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920
thirdguy about 13 years ago
Ok, they are talking politics Wiley, but they aren’t arguing. So far they are being nice, sort of,
roctor about 13 years ago
Meanwhile back at Flo’s. When you can see nonexsisting christmas lights, the mixture is just RIGHT.Unless they are in your rearview mirror.
grimnosh about 13 years ago
@DogsniffI honestly think Foamy the Squirrel would do better then any of the presidental hopefuls that re currently up.
GROG Premium Member about 13 years ago
I’ll skip the political commentary and just say I’ve got energy-efficient LED’s. It sure cut down on the electricity bill during the holiday season. Now do you think I can teach a hamster to say row to a buch of other hamsters so that I can save on my electricity bill during the summer?
APersonOfInterest about 13 years ago
You da MAN man !!!
Varnes about 13 years ago
OK, as long as we are bringing politics into it…(Sorry Wiley!), but I am set against the growing trend to use only while lights at Christmas time. Colored lights at Christmas! And sorry, but I’m old school. The big “old fashioned” bulbs..outside the house, the smaller “old fashioned” ones on the tree. BTW, I don’t appreciate that they call them old fashioned….They’re “normal” lights to me.. …But colored lights are Christmas..Red, Blue, Green, even Yellow!…………I don’t even allow white bulbs in my colored lights strings…..There, I feel better…(Hey, at least I was on topic….)
Varnes about 13 years ago
And oh yeah, I’d say the recipe is just right. In fact, I’d add another shot just to be sure….can’t be too careful….
QuiteDragon about 13 years ago
Sandfan about 13 years ago
Meanwhile, back at the strip…I always put brandy in my egg nog, although bourbon is a good substitute.
GoodQuestion Premium Member about 13 years ago
I love Christmas – it’s the only time of year I can buy eggnog and strawberry-rhubarb pie at the grocery store . . . . ☻
JR6019 about 13 years ago
I love the regional dialects. This reminds me of an old Jimmy Dean album from the early 60’s, that we had around the house when I was growing up. There was a track called ‘Philosophisin’, where JD imitated JFK:
The President keeps talking ‘bout the New Frontiaw,Keeps tellin’ everybody they’ve got nothin’ to feaw,He talks kinda funny to folks ’round heaw,You oughta hear the way he says cuber.
I can still hear it in my mind over 45 years later.
JR6019 about 13 years ago
That should be a capital C on Cuber.
V-Beast about 13 years ago
ha, you played em good, tossing that big ole bone out there and watching to see which political wolf would pounce the hardest. feeding frenzy.
The Life I Draw Upon about 13 years ago
Can't Sleep about 13 years ago
That’s right, Flo. Cut back on the bourbon, and avoid the politics.
Cofyjunky about 13 years ago
I LOVE the back-n-forth between Flo and Eddie. When I ‘read’ their accented dialogue in my head, I feel like I’m listening to my Massachusetts cousins. :) (I’m in Oregon)<3When I told a co-worker here about prepping to go to a fam-reunion in Boston, I said I was looking forward to ‘listening’ to them. When she asked me what I meant, I told her, "They don’t say ‘Harvard’, they say ‘Hahvahd’, and ‘bah’, and ‘cah’. (She looked at me with a clueless expression, so I told her she needed to see ‘Good Will Hunting’, to ‘get it’.) :)
Harryfan about 13 years ago
Unfortunately it seems that the main goal of most politicians, either left or right is to get reelected. My father would vote for anyone as long as they had the letter “R” next to their name on the ballot. He hated Harry Truman something terrible. While I generally vote conservative, I think that Harry Truman was one of the bravest presidents we have ever had. Indeed, he did not pass the buck.
WaitingMan about 13 years ago
All my life I had believed that Democrats were morally superior to Republicans. Then Bill Clinton came along and forever cured me of that notion. Now, my votes are split between Green and Socialist Party candidates.
Siberman about 13 years ago
@ Ashburn Stadium: Yup. Check out the new “Light Show” LED’s at Lowe’s . Awesome.
chicken 33 about 13 years ago
Put the amber rum in it . The stuff that starts with a “B” from Puerto Rico.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 13 years ago
i put coffee in my eggnog because im clean and sober. (can i have the $1K?)
bluskies about 13 years ago
Spoken like a true Democrat- or will you be touring County Fairs next year with your pedigreed mule? Enjoy the rest of your life as best you can; you’ve earned it. With any kind of luck, the Mayans were right.
bluskies about 13 years ago
With any kind of luck, independent’s day is coming; and I don’t mean the looney-toon party, I mean people deciding who they think is the best candidate for the job instead of voting the straight party ticket, Like that will ever happen.
Hunter7 about 13 years ago
not solar, Flo’ Try LED lights. Not quite as bright but the power comsumption is way low. Apparently low enough for people to go whole hog for a month on the lights for the cost of a latte. or two.
dalehamilton about 13 years ago
Definitely shots of bourbon→ see 12/15/11 strip, last frame.Definitely Boston Red Sox→ see 12/11/11 frame 5