Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for July 26, 1985

  1. 1127598565 hobbes 1
    XtremePearls  almost 13 years ago

    who’s jane fonda?

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  over 12 years ago

    She was an excellent actress, daughter of Henry Fonda, sister of Peter Fonda, affectionately known as Hanoi Jane for supposedly turning over to North Korean Army notes from POWs which were passed to her. Played in On Golden Pond around this time and had shown much physical development, leading to time as exercise guru.

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    Soccer_Rocks743  almost 11 years ago

    Does Jane Fonda weigh a lot?

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    jr1234  almost 8 years ago

    Jane Fonda is now on Netflix’s Grace and Frankie. (Still looking thin) Everyone passionately followed her exercise videos back in the 80’s. Everyone thought to look as good as her all you had to do was exercise to her videos. Problem was years later she admitted she was bulimic at that time of her videos so it was impossible to look as thin as her for a reason.

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