Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for May 14, 1991
Bernice: You didn't get a phone in your room? Luann: No! I'm talking about the other big event! I Got my.... Bernice: Own tv! Luann: Bernice.... Bernice: You got painted! no, no. got your...legs waxed? no... Luann: It's hard to believe that only a few days ago I was as immature as you are.
neatslob Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Except she did have a phone in her room, the day Bernice went home and she didn’t notice.
voodoojoe2000 almost 10 years ago
Ahh, the early 90’s, when you could walk right up to the line, maybe even kick it a few times, but under no circumstance do you actually use the word.
Neechan801 over 9 years ago
How’d Bernice not notice the phone Luann had in her room? i mean, she called her, where did she think she picked up, in the living room?
DonnaHilton almost 7 years ago
5-14-91 was my daughter’s 17th birthday. Her last one. Luann came out when she was 11, 1985.They were so much alike, except she didn’t have a brother.
PoppyKitty1234 about 6 years ago
hehe it not something you think be happening