Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for December 20, 2011

  1. Willin 2
    bluskies  over 13 years ago

    Too darned real to be funny. ā€œLet me just transfer you to another departmentā€¦(click. Silence. More silence. click. Dial tone.)ā€

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  2. Boris badenov
    bbadenov  over 13 years ago

    And then when you do get a human being, they are typically in India on some phone bank and have no ability to help you with your LOCAL problem.

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  3. Frog
    momazilla  over 13 years ago

    Or ā€œwe will return your call within 48 hoursā€. a week later still havenā€™t heard from them. Yeah right!

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  4. Salt
    Old Salt  over 13 years ago

    Where I worked HR had a phone tree with something like 48 choices. I think it ended up taking you to one of two people.

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  5. Gig5
    Gigantor  over 13 years ago

    Maybe we wouldnā€™t mess up if you didnā€™t have ten levels of phone menus that take us twelve minutes to hear all the options and weā€™re supposed to keep paying attention all the way through. Sometimes I get so frustrated I just keep hitting 0 for Operator. And worse, sometimes the websites are not much better with multiple screens you have to navigate, sometimes in a circular path.

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  6. Urahara avatar
    Jnite  over 13 years ago

    I hate it when you get so far into the phone tree, then at one point, none of the options match what you are actually calling for. So you take a guess and end up in the wrong area. Fortunately, the person I end up talking to simply sends me to the right department, but couldnā€™t they just have someone do that to begin with?

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  7. Stooges curly
    fgmudd40  over 13 years ago

    Peggy fix-3 weeks.

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  8. Cnh1 large
    tirnaaisling  over 13 years ago

    You have 5 numbers to choose from all claiming to be different departments, you try the one that is most applicable and spend 20 minutes searching the menu before giving up. You try the other numbers only to find the menus are the same.

    You then try one last time pick the I wish to pay my bill option and then ask to be transferred manually.

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  9. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  over 13 years ago

    This would be a lot better then ā€œ[Deedle deedle deedle] Iā€™m sorry, I didnā€™t understand you. You told me to go to hell. Please say ā€˜Customer serviceā€™, ā€˜Technical supportā€™, ā€˜Take all my moneyā€™ or ā€˜Continue wasting my timeā€™.ā€

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  10. 090311 n 0696m 097c
    Butch70  over 13 years ago

    Ziggy! Hang up and they will get the message. I hate doing by the numbers too.

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  11. Willin 2
    bluskies  over 13 years ago

    That brings up another sore point with me- airtime charges when someone calls YOU on a cell phone. Why should you be charged for airtime on a call you didnā€™t initiate? Makes no sense.

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  12. Missing large
    massha  over 13 years ago

    gosh just went through this TODAY. the clever bastards also made it so that every time you hit a 0, instead of a human, it sends you back into the very first menu!!!!!!!

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  13. N211317039976 6359
    trekkermint  over 13 years ago

    grunting sometimes works to get me to a human

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  14. Urahara avatar
    Jnite  over 13 years ago

    Phone minutes will become a big issue eventually with this considering how many people use cell phones. A lot of people donā€™t even own a landline anymore.

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