man: so, bixby, have ye any work for this ol' scalawag? bixby: Well, I had a great pirate job, but I already gave it to elmo. man: elmo?? arrrrrr you kidding me?? bixby: Yes! I'm kidding! just wanted you to do that "arrr" thing..classic...
billcor about 13 years ago
scalawags were long after silk trimmed tricorns. that guy’s a teabagger.
coffeemugman about 13 years ago
Capt. Jack Sparrow will NOT be out-done by a muppet…imitated by a muppet, maybe.
ossiningaling about 13 years ago
Maybe his hat is a hand-me-down? Pirates don’t have steady income.
Uncle_Bad about 13 years ago
Or perhaps he used to be an Irish farm servant, a “sgaileog” and his scalawag-ism has nothing to do with War for the Union era politics.
lin4869 about 13 years ago
Happy New Year!