Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for January 31, 1988
Your horoscope: "Thxm bu elbat gurf shnoog tiddit." Please let this be a typo.... Virgo: Don't wait for praise from others-give yourself a big pat on the back!" Luann: Shwak! Gark! Uff Luann: Hunga! Brad: Heimlich manuever learned it in my science cla-Luann: Brad! You stupid sponge head!!! Brad: Hey! I just saved your from choking to death!! Luann: I wasn't choking! I was..I was... Luann: Right. I was choking. Brad: Well, listen, don't thank me or anything!!
overtherainbow about 12 years ago
That was really fast action. Brad may heckle the crap out of Luann, but he really does care about her. Too bad his assessment sucked.
sillls over 10 years ago
Brad really cares about his sister?! wow.
jimgee over 8 years ago
Brad should consider a career in emergency rescue.
Isaac Chen over 6 years ago
I thought the throwaway panel might be a in Caesar Cipher. I checked – it’s not.