Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for November 24, 1991
Luann: Hey, guys- Luann: Just wanted to get this on film. Dad: Y'know, mom and Luann are gonna be pretty surprised when they see all the work we've done on this Thanksgiving dinner. Brad: Yeah. usually they do all the work and we just sit down and scarf. But doin' the cookin's kinda cool. Brad: I mean, check out this jell-o salad I made! Luann'll love this- I put in a whole bag of miniature marshmallows! Dad: These mashed potatos are absolutely perfect. Brad: Whoa! Look how my biscuits came out! Dad: Look at this bird! Is this a work of art, or what?! Brad: I'll get out the fancy dishes. Dad: Well, I think that's everything. Brad: It looks great! I'm starvin'! Dad: Ok, ladies! Your sumptious thanksgiving feast awaits you! Brad: Come 'n' get it!! Mom: Not now!! It's 4th and goal! Luann: can't it wait til halftime?
overtherainbow about 12 years ago
Wow, this strip makes me hungry! Good job, guys. :-) So sweet, how Brad says Luann will love the miniature marshmallows. That’s one of the nicest smiles we’ve ever seen on him. He does care about her after all. Oh, and I love his apron.
comixlover347 about 12 years ago
they guys look like they’re ready to strangle the girls
sillls over 10 years ago
What did they do? Switch body’s?
Neechan801 over 9 years ago
No, they didn’t, its something nice, and well, now the boy’s know how the girls feel when they take time to make a special meal (thanksgiving) and then are told to wait
12515527 5 months ago
No the fact that I actually witnessed Brad saying “Luann will love this” he does care :)