Girl: What's this old Cezanne stuff doing in the museum of modern art? Come on. Frazz: This from a kid who thinks a 2-year-old song is an oldie. Girl: Something modern ought to be newer than an oldie.
“Modern” art refers to the period starting with the Impressionists (around 1860) and ending with the Minimalists (around 1960). The current period is called “Post-Modern.”.In retrospect, “Modern” was not a particularly good choice of words, was it? Kinda like the way one of the churches around here does ’70s-style music and performance in a service they call “Contemporary.”
Trouble is, anything “modern” eventually becomes an “oldie” to somebody. I like to listen to the stuff I grew up with in the bad old days of the "60s & 70s, Heck, I like listening to even older stuff, like from the 1800s! Cezanne is there to show where “modern” comes from. I saw the Cezanne in that museum in NYC years ago with my family, in the 1970s. Good music and good art will endure no matter when they were created. Wait until the poor kid becomes a teenager. :-)
Not all rap or hip-hop songs sound the same sans the words. All of them have common features, because they are in the same genre, but they have different tunes, beats, and rhytms.
I once heard a choral arrangement of “Don’t Stand So Close To Me” being played in Safeway. If they had been playing the original I could see how the content could have been overlooked by the recording people, because there is a strong tendency to not hear what is going on in many pop songs (I’m sure we have all met people who think that “Every Step You Take” is a romantic love song) but they had the lyrics in front of them! How can you miss it? “He starts to shake and cough, just like that old man in that book by Nabokov”? (Although it’s possible that line is just Sting showing off.)
tigre1 about 13 years ago
Schools…even janitors can have intelligent conversation…maybe to be a janitor in a school is better than to be a banker, the conversation’s better…
cork about 13 years ago
I’m waiting for elevator versions of rap classics, then I can laugh at former students when I meet them at the supermarket.
puddleglum1066 about 13 years ago
“Modern” art refers to the period starting with the Impressionists (around 1860) and ending with the Minimalists (around 1960). The current period is called “Post-Modern.”.In retrospect, “Modern” was not a particularly good choice of words, was it? Kinda like the way one of the churches around here does ’70s-style music and performance in a service they call “Contemporary.”
puddleglum1066 about 13 years ago
I should add, it wasn’t easy to get that information this morning, what with Wikipedia blacked out!
jpsomebody about 13 years ago
I just sing along with them.
gmforde about 13 years ago
Trouble is, anything “modern” eventually becomes an “oldie” to somebody. I like to listen to the stuff I grew up with in the bad old days of the "60s & 70s, Heck, I like listening to even older stuff, like from the 1800s! Cezanne is there to show where “modern” comes from. I saw the Cezanne in that museum in NYC years ago with my family, in the 1970s. Good music and good art will endure no matter when they were created. Wait until the poor kid becomes a teenager. :-)
Comic Minister Premium Member about 13 years ago
This is the second time we seen a character eyes from the glasses! I’m impressed!
AStarofDestiny about 13 years ago
Zeppelin as muzac? Weep!
Goyeshiva about 13 years ago
Not all rap or hip-hop songs sound the same sans the words. All of them have common features, because they are in the same genre, but they have different tunes, beats, and rhytms.
chris_weaver about 13 years ago
It can’t be ‘Modern’ Art – the paint’s dry!
childe_of_pan almost 8 years ago
I once heard a choral arrangement of “Don’t Stand So Close To Me” being played in Safeway. If they had been playing the original I could see how the content could have been overlooked by the recording people, because there is a strong tendency to not hear what is going on in many pop songs (I’m sure we have all met people who think that “Every Step You Take” is a romantic love song) but they had the lyrics in front of them! How can you miss it? “He starts to shake and cough, just like that old man in that book by Nabokov”? (Although it’s possible that line is just Sting showing off.)