The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for January 14, 2012

  1. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  about 13 years ago

    Anything to save a penny (pun intended)Good Morning All

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  2. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  about 13 years ago

    Re: Travelling

..As Marg can tell you, I have this medical condition called Spontaneous Human CombustionThe doctor said I could blow up at any minute!!This would not be pretty, especially if we were visiting dazz

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  3. Emerald
    margueritem  about 13 years ago

    Let’s see what would take longer. Grabbing a new washcloth, or getting the manager? Probably a toss up.Good morning, Crustwood!

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  4. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  about 13 years ago

    What use would they have for a washcloth??

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  5. Emerald
    margueritem  about 13 years ago

    G’night, Dave, sleep well.

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  6. Oat   character picture
    Hussell  about 13 years ago

    Good Morning everyone! I was still up, so I got on a little early today. I actually saw the comics turn from one day to the next. It was invigorating! sigh I really need to get a life.

    Fascinating though, as early as I came on, there were already five comments on here before I even came into the forum. Wow.

    @Susan that’s okay that you didn’t realize that I hadn’t been on. I know you all love me, but I am like the relative who drifts in and out. Actually, when I am not sick I do read this site almost every day, Sometimes I don’t say anything because either I can’t think of anything new OR I had something to say, but by the time I get on (normally at 6:30 am) someone has already said what I intended to say.. More often than not it is the latter. Of course once in a while I have a story that goes with the topic of the day. That is always fun. Yesterday’s was actually a one-liner from one of my older comedy sets.

    Now today I will do something Susan like and say, “Good morning everyone, I am going to bed.”

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  7. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Good news
. I passed my anger management class
. with a solid C+
. I am now on probation for the next full week

.! ! ! .I like the face the lady on the left is making


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  8. Dsc03321  2
    mikie2  about 13 years ago

    I agree with Dave. She probly pulled a snag in the washcloth with the safety pin in her purse. Speaking of her purse—aka “The Black Hole of Five-finger Discounts,” I wonder how much stuff she’s got in it already. They likely don’t use washcloths but if they can get a discount
Good morning to all. Leaky, do you really burst into flames at will—or Bob—or Dazz? Are you on You Tube? That’s gonna make it difficult around Dazz’ ice cube egg nog.

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  9. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Good morning all!

    I agree with the general consensus. Is there even the slightest chance that there was a significant snag in that washcloth before Joy put it there, or at least enlarged it?

    “I kinda need one, Burl, but these are 3 DOLLARS!! Help me look for one with with a little hole or sumthin’

    Dave is right 
. no way they’d go get a perfect one just so they could pay full price.

    GymShoe! I’ve been asking about you for days. I was worried cos you haven’t been here in so long and even some of your past posts seems to be gone.

    Glad you’re Ok and they, um
.let you out unsupervised?

    And Leaky (I see you’re showing your real face again, too) 
If we’re not good enough for you and you don’t wanna come to the party just say so!

    (Well, say the party part, not the not good enough part.)

    But making poor Marg lie for you! Did you threaten to withhold her bail next time? Tsk Tsk!

    BTW I accidentally found myself in almost this same Penny situation recently, complete with lady making a similar face.

    But it wasn’t my fault, I swear!

    Buying some stuff at Walgreens, I included a little marked down teddy bear in a Santa hat, to be a Christmas present for a friend I hadn’t seen yet.

    It was originally $5.00, so on the register it came up $2.50, at half price

    but the cashier said it should have been 75% off, so she called her supervisor to the register
. I kept saying $2.50 is OK
but everybody had to wait so she could find out how to ring it up for $1.25.

    Then the supervisor showed up and said it was supposed to be half price
.. and glared at me
. and said "Only the candy is 75% off ma’am.

    Then he said he would “let” me have it for $1.25, with a look on his face like he thought I was Joy Penny
.. I said $2.50 is fine! 

    I paid for everything and slunk out
. but I noticed my receipt says the bear was $1.25.I sure didn’t feel like I won, though.

.. I do have limited use of the computer this time — but I can’t be so nocturnal here cos everybody else is up with the sun.

    So, I guess I too will say something Susan-like
 I come by it naturally

    Good night!

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  10. Scan003
    LHPuttgrass  about 13 years ago

    Folgers Weak Coffee, you got that right. Stuff is like water.

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  11. 170
    finale  about 13 years ago

    Maybe they’re anticipating being invited to something where they’ll need a gift. Those hotel washcloths are just too flimsy for presents, but white does go with everything.

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  12. Comcomav
    BurlsTwin  about 13 years ago
    The product names are great!Calgon “Go Away”, Scatt Tissue, Folgers Weak Coffee. Boron could have just as well been named Moron in honor of the Pennys.
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  13. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Well since I can’t find the crank, I think I’ll say I see 2 cranks and leave it at that.

    Morning, all

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  14. D and d bed 03sc
    Ray_C  about 13 years ago

    Sure, the Pennys are a caricature; but I think it’s perfectly legitimate to seek a discount for a flaw that you can live with rather than get a perfect item that’ll be flawed soon anyway. Some people skip the fresh donuts and buy the discounted day-olds. Not me of course
oh, come on, why are you all looking at me like that? I eat bagels, not donuts. Day-old bagels (or even two-hour old bagels) are not fit for human consumption. Blueberry donuts are okay though. Wait, I’m not finished

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  15. My eye
    vldazzle  about 13 years ago

    Good morning, all. Sorry to hear about the overly “helpful” clerk. If my icecream were as potent as Mikie supposes, it would be dangerous. I agree about weak coffee (any brand); mine (when I have any) is expresso, but I seldom drink it because I use sugar.

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  16. My eye
    vldazzle  about 13 years ago

    You wouldn’t want either donuts or bagels if you tried my breakfast bars. Since I now use 3 organic apples (originally 2) with the raisons for sweetening, they are the yummyest thing for a breakfast carb, except for the special occaisions when I make french toast with maple syrup and berries.

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  17. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 13 years ago

    “Angry mob charges coupon shopper”, LOL, I LOVE THAT!

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  18. My eye
    vldazzle  about 13 years ago

    @Leaky, no deer here as yards are inclosed in block. I had some stroll trough yard in IL. I have hummingbirds around my head, but no bluebirds and I love to watch mockingbirds, Hila woodpecker, thrashers, tohees, cactus wrens and many sparrows finches and doves all right next to my patio doors. Larger birds bathe in the waterfall and the grackles with big black tails are one of the prettiest along with one pure white dove. All the birds other than doves are fond of grapes and I like to feed that because it never attracts pigeons either.

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  19. My eye
    vldazzle  about 13 years ago

    At this hour, I assume I can inquire if the “crank” is the next one in line as I originally assumed (or did someone find something of a physical nature)?

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  20. Missing large
    missjunebug  about 13 years ago

    Dazz, the crank is on the ‘’blue light special’’ pole.

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  21. My eye
    vldazzle  about 13 years ago

    A bunch of my FB friends were just discussing purses suited for concealed carry. Many of us also do leatherwork but I have not done any for that purpose yet. I just like custom shoes ;-P

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  22. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Leaky, if it’s any consolation, I was cheering for the Saints to go all the way, too. Sorry, Charlie.

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  23. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 13 years ago

    I guess I’ll have to go for the Packers now.

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  24. My eye
    vldazzle  about 13 years ago

    I go with whatever my kids love. My very generous middle son is in Texas now. He will be doing a cold water swim this month for Special Olympics (one of his charities (and always does great costumes for swims or building rapelling).

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  25. My eye
    vldazzle  about 13 years ago

    Thanks, June Bug. I don’t see it but it doesn’t matter; I don’t shop there (tho’ I have been to a dollar store with my cockatoo, because she liked it). I love a good organic grocery and do most other online because my current bird does not enjoy and shopping for “stuff” is easier and cheaper online (Office Depot, are some of my faves -and lots at Amazon). I like thinking the crank was the one with the scowl ;-P

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  26. D and d bed 03sc
    Ray_C  about 13 years ago

    A tough way to end it, Leaky. So many “what-ifs” go with a loss like that.

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