Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for February 04, 2012

  1. Scan0027
    lightningsnowstorm  about 13 years ago

    It’s official! nate won! let us rejoyce! You are probably tired of these askings, but do you think you can check my comics on

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  2. Scan0027
    lightningsnowstorm  about 13 years ago

    Don’t you ever really want to say something then forget what you were going to say? I think Gina was probably gonna say something suck-upish, but in the heat of the moment she forgot it.

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  3. Scan0027
    lightningsnowstorm  about 13 years ago

    You know, with the job nate wants when he grows up, a cartoonist, he probably won’t need to learn much social studies or math.

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    jwondga  about 13 years ago

    Parents just don’t understand.

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    oregontransplant  about 13 years ago

    so why didnt they both get detention for betting? o well yea nate!!! not as great a the big soccer game though.

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    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  about 13 years ago

    Did Nate get Gina’s good conduct badge?

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    sonicmario2  about 13 years ago

    I lied to gocomics so I’m not 13 yet. I’m way younger

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  8. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Best wrap-up ever!! Nate’s clueless-ness vs. his Dad’s! Also, I agree with frumbebang re: carl………the latter, like Nate, can learn to navigate in a world where we , unlike Nate, must age and if carl’s always told: “just shut up” maybe no one benefits.He’ll handle “not too often, but occasionally” with practice & CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms. Holding my Haw here.

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    notevan82  about 13 years ago


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    Lyons Group, Inc.  about 13 years ago

    Carl: “They also care about your future, son.”

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    flagfly  about 13 years ago

    Wrong Nate. Parents care about that “stuff” too.

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    AidanCesana  about 13 years ago

    So Nate wins

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    coolwaterman  about 13 years ago

    You might consider attending ‘Control Mouse’ U as I did; “right click” “left click” “left click” “right click” … a must skill for all budding cartoonists.

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  14. B48c50204eb9e99c6b21d5ef53e333aa
    coolwaterman  about 13 years ago

    The day is not over… I mean, his father could step in and alert the principle forcing Nate to confess about the staged “water” event — an event he has now openly admitted to. Nate could still blow this!!!

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  15. Dr cesspool
    byamrcn  about 13 years ago

    Well done, kid.

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  16. Toonerlincolnpeirce4a
    bignatelover  about 13 years ago

    This comic is just amazing! I love the suprises and twists and this is an amazing storyline! Nate’s dad makes me laugh every time! I really hope this comic strip will last for a long while!

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  17. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Nate won! There is dancing in the streets! Yippee! :-)

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    Comic Minister Premium Member about 13 years ago

    At least Nate won’t be Gina’s servant and agree to say Gina’s the best student in front of everyone. That’s good news! But the bad news is Nate won’t be able to get ten dollars from Gina and her glasses will stay on for long time!

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    astar15  about 13 years ago

    Same here.

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    RabidZombie2000  about 13 years ago

    How to Annoy Your Waiter:

    10. Eight hour lunch, two dollar tip.

    9. Ask, “Excuse me, are you a really bad singer, or a really bad actor?”

    8. After he describes each special, you shout, “Garbage!”

    7. Whenever he walks by, cough and mutter, “Minimum wage”.

    6. Every few seconds, yell, “More waffles, Cuomo!”

    5. Insist that before ordering, you be allowed to touch the London broil.

    4. Tie tablecloth around neck and say, “You wouldn’t charge Superman for dinner, would you?”

    3. Every time you eat or drink, cough really hard.

    2. As he walks by to the kitchen, scream, “He’s gonna spit in the chowder!”

    1. Three words: eat the check.

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  21. Scan0027
    lightningsnowstorm  about 13 years ago

    If we don’t advertise, how will are sites get to be known? No offense.

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  22. Scan0027
    lightningsnowstorm  about 13 years ago

    yeah, but are they as annoying as nate is to jenny? Ah, Valentines day. Nate gives Jenny a Valentine, ah, who knows what will happen to nate. It’s always funny.

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  23. Pacman
    Dcab344  about 13 years ago

    true story

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  24. Scan0027
    lightningsnowstorm  about 13 years ago

    what was the name of the guy who said all of us cartoonists should quit advertising and go away forever?

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    frumdebang  about 13 years ago

    Carl Craig – so you can see if you read all of the comments that not everybody agrees with roryccool3. You have a lot of friends here who support your interest in cartooning. Keep drawing and good luck.

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  26. Scan0027
    lightningsnowstorm  about 13 years ago

    What do you think “nate the songwriter,” what lincoln said, means? 1. Playing the trombone 2. His band etm 3. or writing songs for girls on valentines day.

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    Jkiss  about 13 years ago

    As someone who has been here for only a few months, I enjoy the ads for your web sites guys. I check them out when I have time. It’s good to know that so many people love the comics as much as I do.

    [@Spigotman: Nate didn’t sabotage the water fountain. He was just as surprised at the results as the teacher was.]

    [Toon: Yay Nate. Even though you didn’t win, you still won dude. Gotta say, I love this comic.

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    n64kid888  about 13 years ago

    I honestly thought that Nate would lose.

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    Sweet B  about 13 years ago

    nate should laugh at gina’s wits

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  30. Japan
    roblox605  about 13 years ago

    good job nate

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  31. Scan0027
    lightningsnowstorm  about 13 years ago

    Well, this storyline is over. I still can’t wait to figure out what “Nate the songwriter” means.

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    titans4227  about 13 years ago

    school is not about all that tests, quizes, and homework. His dad needs to be better educated to what he really needs to ask Nate.

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    squirrel500  about 13 years ago

    I joined ur sight too.

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    Hermione4Ever  over 11 years ago

    Well, thats not very nice! He can advertise if he wants too,

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    rey mondia  over 4 years ago

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    AquaHoodie  almost 4 years ago

    The real question is, did he get his $10?

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    Mono_Matt_36  over 3 years ago

    AHEM: are ya winning son?

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