Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for January 13, 2012
hey, kids! want to get secret messages from your republican heroes?? everything they say is loaded with secret messages, just for their loyal followers... like you! send away today for your very own... republican decoder badge!! "...people who receive food stamps..." boy 1: let's see... set the cipher... and he's talking about... b-l-a-c-k-s "the democrats are engaged in class warfare..." girl 1: um, that's... i-w-a-n-t-t-o-k-i-l-l-a-l-l-p-o-o-r-p-e-o-p-l-e this year's model comes with a special "santorum" setting! "...i believe in states' rights..." boy 2: gosh, that means he wants to make abortions illegal! girl 2: wait! set the key to "santorum"! he also wants to illegalize b-i-r-t-h-c-o-n-t-r-o-l "i don't want to make black people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money." boy 3: the secret meaning of black people is "blah" people! boy 4: ah, but you have to decode "blah" for the double secret meaning! boy 5: okay, that's... b-l-a-c-k just send $10,000 to: super-pac fun p.o. box 87776a washington, dc or, put an envelope with cash under the welcome mat at karl rove's house and, coming soon... the democrat decoder badge! find out what they really mean when they say... "hostilities" "bipartisan" "i will close gitmo"
Tommy1733 about 13 years ago
I want to get both kinds but they are so expensive.
denis mclx about 13 years ago
in my homeland of france, we also have a problem with minorities draining our system
ickymungmung about 13 years ago
Racists and reactionaries are so lazy—you have to practically smack them with hoary cliches before they start to twitch. C’mon bigots! We don’t have all day!
Chuck Norton about 13 years ago
There is no need for a Rick Perry decoder ring. With good ol’ Rick, what you hear is what he really meant to say- no matter how insane and/or moronic it may sound to non-Republican ears.
walruscarver2000 about 13 years ago
Now arent you cute! Slipping that anti- Jewish reference in. And all this time I just thought you were an ahole, not a bigoted ahole. Just goes to show,you need to get to know folks first before you make a judgment.
BrianCrook about 13 years ago
An excellent cartoon: Republicans have spoken in code for fifty years. Remember: When Representative Paul or Senator Paul speak of “property rights”, they mean that those who own the most property have the most rights. Their talk is to turn America into the Earth’s hugest third-world country.
Kip W about 13 years ago
According to the Gops, the Dems want to buy my vote. If they’ll go ten gees for it, then I can get both decoders and it won’t cost me a thing!Ah, but that’s if the Gops are telling the truth.
pschearer Premium Member about 13 years ago
The Dems try to paint the GOP as racist to distract from the real issue: socialism versus freedom. But the part about Santorum is spot on.
fritzoid Premium Member about 13 years ago
Let me just check my Pschearer Decoder Ring… Hmmm.The secret meaning of “socialism versus freedom” is “public good versus feudalism.”
This crazy gizmo really works!
chihug about 13 years ago
GOP, DEM, it doesn’t matter to me. I don’t care what color you are either. I live in a community where the lion share of the population is on some kind of welfare (call it what it is). It is only a helping hand if people ever intend to make a living again. Sadly, to me anyway, most of “these people” (ALL races) consider welfare their living. I’m 48. I remember a different America. You can tell me that times are better now, and maybe they are for a few people, but not the general population. I know better, I’ve watched it fall apart. Based solely on the longevity of my family, I might make another 20-30 years. If this next generation doesn’t use me for food or burn me for fuel. Or just get rid of me so that they can have the resources I’m using. Do whatever you want to your world, why should I try to stand in your way? Your all much too smart for me. I’ll pray for you, though most of you are Godless and won’t appreciate the gesture.
pam Miner almost 13 years ago
Socialism is misunderstood.
Lots of things we like are socialistic, like public libraries,like city fire departments and city police which I would far rather have than federal police.And what about good roads and bridges, well kept zoos and public water works? Social security,(which isn’t broke),community centers?
Community is related to social society which is what we should want, a social society.