Frazz by Jef Mallett for February 10, 2012
Mrs. Olsen: the get-well card for my sciatic nerve was a little weird, but the heating pad from the class showed some real thought! Frazz: She's not going to leave her chair for anything but the most dire coffee related emergency. Caulfield: That's the thought.
suevanv Premium Member almost 13 years ago
and it’s the thought that counts!
starfighter441 almost 13 years ago
Wonder if that is Empire Falls that Caufield is reading.
Varnes almost 13 years ago
Starfighter…probably something more recent… “That Old Cape Magic”, maybe?…BTW, speaking of cards, what did Caufield use for the rhyme?…She says it was kinda weird…now I really want to know…
AlisonFarmer almost 13 years ago
if you magnify the strip it says Richard Russo, actually.
poihths almost 13 years ago
No, Caulfield, not with the comic book showing! Keep it below the top edge of the textbook. That’s fundamentals, boy! Keep it together! The way you’re doing it, she can call you on it from her desk!
cissycox almost 13 years ago
If I were Rizzo and not Russo, the digital image book makes sense since it is hiding in a geometry book.
Miserichord almost 13 years ago
One of the Sisters caught me doing that in 6th grade when we were supposed to be reading the next chapter in History (I had already read it).
As she prepared to give me what for, she noticed WHAT I was reading.
Visualize a nun melting down as she deals the conflict of a 12 year old breaking the rules to voluntarily read Dantes “Divine Comedy”.
dv-chris almost 13 years ago
Definitely Richard Russo, not “Rizzo”. It becomes clear when you use the magnifying button.
dv-chris almost 13 years ago
Continuing yesterday’s theme…
Some would say Rizzo, and others say RussoWe’ll find out when Ms Olsen gets her next espresso?
DKHenderson 3 months ago
It’s still a kind thought, even if it was mutually beneficial.