Tom Toles for January 18, 2012

  1. Liberty
    lontooni  over 12 years ago

    This man does not labor for a living so you know his house cleaner pays a higher % then this leach on society.

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    vwdualnomand  over 12 years ago

    has the gop attacked him on his mexican heritage, since his father was an illegal immigrant from mexico aka “refugee”

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    ARodney  over 12 years ago

    Harley, you are totally misinterpreting the average American. Rich people have been getting vastly richer while the rest of income stagnates. This is bad for America, and bad for Americans. When the lower 80% do better, even the richest 20% do better. When the richest 1% pay lower tax rates than people who work for a living, it corrupts and weakens the free market system.

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  4. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 12 years ago

    As for the toon: Mittens should have just written on his 1040 form “none of your business unless I leverage it.”

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  5. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 12 years ago

    The new TV show Rock Center did a segment on Romney’s Mexican relatives Jan 9.

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  6. Liberty
    lontooni  over 12 years ago

    I notice one person here continually tries to change the subject. No one is criticizing people for being wealthy. I criticize people who do not work for their money and pay a lesser percent of their income than people who actually do the labor as being un-patriotic and greedy. Poor Young men and women just out of high school put their lives on line for this country while multimillionaires refused to pay the same amount of taxes as the working poor. If they love their country, they would do what is necessary to make it strong again. Unfortunately, they love money more than they love this country.

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  7. Klinger1
    walruscarver2000  over 12 years ago

    See? This is what happens when you respond to Harly. Pages of minbdless rant. Just ignore her. It’s much easier.

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    $374,000 in “minor speaking fees”, just small change to MItt, or the middle class (Median income $54,00 per annum), wonder if the IRS was listening to him?

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    agate1  over 12 years ago

    Read lifebyc’s post . Harley, what a maroon.

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    Doughfoot  over 12 years ago

    The idea of some sort of flat tax that applies equally to all is attractive. Up to a point. It does not take into consideration that those who have most benefited from and in our system owe the country more, even proportionally, than the rest, but I’m willing to let that go. But the so-called Fair Tax is anything but, though it puts on a good show. Only the purchase of new items, not second-hand items, would be taxed under this proposal. Thus no tax would be paid when you purchase land (which is always second hand), a classic car or other antiques, Picassos, or Rembrandts, old coins, etc. Nor anything bought outside the country, while on your foreign vacations, or mail-ordered from abroad. (I get lots of books from England.) If you make all your money in the United States, but spend most of it on and in your home in the Bermuda, you won’t pay any taxes. So guess who would best be able to avoid the Fair Tax? But let’s suppose your could fix that. What about payroll taxes like Medicare and Social Security? The big earners pay a smaller percentage than the rest of us, so they are regressive taxes. So of course, we’d have to pay those things out of general revenue. Okay, that works. Do you think that it is unfair that the rich should pay taxes at a higher rate than the middle class? Okay! How about this: a flat tax on each person’s net worth. All you property, from personal possessions to investments, to real estate. One simple rate for all. If you make money but spend it just as fast, so that you don’t actually own anything, then you wouldn’t pay much, but then at least you would be putting the money back into the global economy somewhere, spending it all on services. Of course, I know you’re not really serious about any of this. Harlequin is a name denoting a crazy clown, a court jester. I’m sure you must really be someone very different from the clown and jester you pretend to be.

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