Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for August 13, 1998
FRANCIS: I've got five elf knights! That gives me wizard power over your hag minions! NATE: I'll trade you my apprentice sorcerer for two of your elf knights! FRANCIS: No way! I want your dragon slayer! Give me your slayer and you can have my elf knights! NATE: Throw in your skull queen and... DAD: Hey, guys! What'll you give me for a 1989 Cal Ripken? (thought) Is that a game or a cult?
De_Faulto almost 12 years ago
Dang, he’s pretty lucky.
Will over 7 years ago
The cheapest 1989 Cal Ripken cards have costs starting at $80!
I luv comix over 6 years ago
Cool game, Nate
DevilDog2001 Premium Member over 5 years ago
No kidding!
CiceroAndHannibalAreMyGods over 4 years ago
If it’s a cult i wanna join!
minecraftchamp33 about 4 years ago
It’s a galt.
gEnErAl KeNoBi about 4 years ago
if he had a 1989 billy ripken fleer id be sold (it says f*** face on the knob of the bat)
I like anime almost 4 years ago
I will give ya a nickel 4 the cal ripken card
mrmcevil1 about 3 years ago
It’s a cult
o'k over 2 years ago
me wizard, panel 1
doctorwho29 almost 2 years ago
What, just because they don’t have baseball cards?
STUFF ENJOYER 12 days ago
How do I join?